Service - Show hidden files (Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10)

Follow these steps to display hidden files and folders:

Windows Vista and 7:

1. Click on the "Start" button.

2. Click on "Control Panel".

3. Click on "Appearance and Personalization".

4. Click on "Folder Options".

5. Click the "View" tab.

6. Under "Advanced settings", click "Show hidden files and folders" for Windows Vista, or "Show hidden files, folders, and drives" for Windows 7.

7. Click "OK".

Windows 8, 10:

1. Open the Start menu and type "File Explorer".

2. Click the "View" option on the top of the window.

3. Check the "File Name Extension" and "Hidden items" boxes to display the hidden files and the file extensions for which the type is known.

ID: 20110810133632NIXXX.xml

Webpage: KPA240-20110810133632NI.htm
