Direct deposit

For the federal government, your income tax refund will be deposited directly into your account as well as your goods and services tax (GST) credit, your Canada child benefit and your Canada Workers Benefits when applicable.

If you plan to use the CRA's NETFILE service and wish to start the direct deposit or change your existing information for the direct deposit, you should first contact Service Canada, which now manages the direct deposit.

For more details or to make changes, please call 1-800-959-8281

or visit the following link:


If you are a Quebec resident, the government will deposit into your account your income tax refund, your payments of the solidarity tax credit, your advance payments of the tax credit for childcare expenses, your advance payments of any tax credits respecting the work premium and your advance payments of the tax credit for home support services for seniors when applicable.
The NETFILE Québec service allows you to make changes to your Quebec direct deposit information on your Quebec return and then use  NetFile Québec to submit the return. In such a case, please follow the following procedure:

1 - On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Refund or balance owing ";
2 - On the screen to the right , choose the line "Start direct deposit or change banking information";
3 - You must complete the first four fields. In addition, we recommend that you also enter the name of your financial institution.

Form LM-3 will be generated by the program.

You can view the following link from Revenu Québec:



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Webpage: KPA310-20201130115258NA.htm
