Tax credit for an owner - Quebec

Please notethe taxi owner tax credit is abolished as the 20221 TAXATION YEAR or if your fiscal year is after October 9, 20202.

You can claim a refundable tax credit for taxi owners if, on December 31, 2018, you held at least one taxi owner's permit and, during the portion of the year in which you held the permit(s), you paid at least 90% of the fuel costs for each taxi covered by a permit.

The maximum credit varies depending on the indexing rate each year for each taxi owner's permit which is linked to a taxi for which you paid at least 90% and more of the fuel costs.

If the taxi owner's permit you held was issued in the name of more than one person, the permit holders must designate one person as the sole permit holder for the purposes of claiming the credit. Use form TP-1029.9-V to make this designation.

For more information on this topic, visit the following link:

You must complete a tax return for self-employed individuals.

To claim this credit, please follow the steps below:

1. On the "Left-side menu of the Interview tab", select "Quebec credits".

2. On the screen located to your right, scroll down to "Quebec line 462" and click on the plus"+" icon to the right of the line "TP-1029.9 - Tax credit for taxi owners".

3. On the new page generated, enter the license number of the taxi owner issued by the Société de l 'assurance du Québec

4. If you have several vehicles at the bottom of the section of the vehicle to the right of the screen, click on "Add another +".

5. Complete the page accordingly.

The program will generate form TP-1029.9, which you should sign and keep in your records as Revenu Québec could request it.

The refundable credit will be reported on line 462 of the Quebec return and code 03 will be entered on line 461. However, if multiple credits apply to line 462, code 99 will appear.

To determine which are the credits that have been allowed, see the ''Worksheet (Quebec)'' option and the worksheet pertaining to line ''462 Other credits'' that will be displayed in your Quebec tax return.

ID: 20211215084136DE.xml

Webpage: KPA365-20211215084136DE.htm
