Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant

You can apply for the Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant (OSHPTG), if, on December 31st, 2019, you met the following conditions:

a) You were 64 or older.
b) You owned and occupied a principal residence in Ontario for which property taxes have been paid by or for you in 2019.

The OSHPTG is not paid automatically. To apply for this grant, please follow these steps:

1- In the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Ontario tax credits".

2- On the right page, choose the "ON-BEN Application" group;

3. In this group, choose the option "ON-BEN - Application for the 2020 Ontario Trillium Benefit (Ontario sales tax credit, Ontario energy and property tax credit, Northern Ontario energy tax credit) and the Ontario Senior Homeowners'' Property Tax Grant ".

4. On the page that appears titled "Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB)", you must answer the questions on this page;

5. Return to the "Ontario Tax Credits" section, select the "ON-BEN Declaration(s)" group on the page to your right, select the "Declaration for property tax paid (owner)" section ". Enter the information in the page that appears.

If you meet the eligibility requirements, box 61070 will be checked off and your total amount of property tax paid in 2019 will be reported in box 61120. Part B on the back of the form will be completed according to the information you have entered.

The amount that you will receive for 2020 will be determined according to the information provided on your 2019 tax return. You will receive your grant within four to eight weeks after receiving your Notice of assessment.

The program will generate an estimate of the Ontario Trillium Benefit.

ID: 20200224092056DE.xml

Webpage: KPA380-20200224092056DE.htm
