Installation - Instructions (CD)

To install UFile for Windows, please insert your CD into your CD-Rom drive. Once your computer starts to read the CD, the Setup program should automatically initiate the install. Follow the on-screen instructions to install UFile for Windows.

If the UFile install does not start automatically, you can manually start it by locating and running the setup.exe file from the CD. This can be done through Windows Explorer or you can follow these quick and easy instructions:

1. Click the "Start" button.
2. Type  "D:\setup.exe" in the "Search program and files" box, and click "OK".

Note: D indicates your CD-Rom drive. If  D is not the correct drive, please replace D with the proper drive letter.

ID: 20080707143118CAXX.xml

Webpage: KPT230-20080707143118CA.htm
