
Please note that certain software may not be compatible with UFile for Windows. We have found that NView (nvsvc32.exe), Download Accelerator, and Kaspersky Anti-Spam (OESpamtest.exe), when run in the background, could cause UFile to stop responding or freeze up. If you can locate these files in "Task Manager", please select them one at a time and click "End Process" for each one.

When you cannot click "Next" or if the program "freezes", it is probably due to another application running that handles the Active X controls and blocks UFile from using them, thus causing the program to freeze. If you can disable or even turn off these third party programs, you might find that UFile will stop freezing. Antivirus, anti-spyware, and firewalls all could have options to control Active X. Please review all those installed and running on your system.

ID: 20080707125359CAXX.xml

Webpage: KPT240-20080707125359CA.htm
