Error - 1618 - Another installation is already in progress. Complete that installation before proceeding with this install.

It is possible that Windows or another program may be installing software on your computer as part of an update service. You cannot have two separate instances of the Windows Installer running at the same time. Please wait for the first program to finish installing the updates.

If you continue to receive this error message, please follow the instructions below:

1- Click on the "Start" button, then right-click on "Computer" and choose "Manage".
2- In the new window that appears, click on "Services and Applications", and then double-click "Services".
3- Locate "Windows Installer" in the drop-down menu and double-click it.
4- In the new window, select "Disabled" in the section "Startup type", and then click on "Apply".
5- Return to the "Startup type" section, choose "Automatic", and then click on "Apply".
6- Click "OK".

Reboot the computer, and then try reinstalling the software.

ID: 20110720152746NIX.xml

Webpage: KPT240-20110720152746NI.htm
