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You must complete a RL-17 slip, Relevé 17 - Rémunération provenant d'un emploi à l'extérieur du Canada, for each employee who worked outside Canada .

Instructions to issuer of the Relevé 17 slips

To obtain more information on how to prepare the Relevé 17 slips, consult the Guide to Filing the RL-17 Slip: Remuneration for Employment Outside Canada (RL-17. G).

On or before the last day of February following the calendar year to which the slips apply, you must:

Code of the statement
Use "R" for an original slip, "A" for a modified slip and "D" for a cancelled slip.

Useful links:

Preparing and Transmitting RL Slips

Guide to Filing the RL-17 Slip: Remuneration for Employment Outside Canada