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Print this pageForward this document  How to install your DT Max licence key

  1. Select Install licence key in the Tools menu.

  2. Enter the licensee name, the licensee EFILE number (if you have one, otherwise enter XXXXX) and the licence key. Enter this information exactly as it appears in the letter or the email that you have received (capital letters / small caps / accents, etc.).

  3. Check the box for "I have read and agreed to the terms of the licence agreement... "

  4. Click OK.

Your licence key is activated for this database. Therefore, you are not required to install the licence on every workstation that uses this same database.

RECOMMENDATION: Please verify the accuracy of the information contained in the Licence details section and enter the licence key number once again if necessary.

TIP: You may use the Copy/Paste feature to copy the information in the appropriate fields if you have received the licence key information by email.