RL-2 Slip - Retirement benefits or annuities
Payers of retirement benefits or annuities
If you pay retirement benefits or annuities, you must file RL-2 slips to report amounts paid during the year to persons who were resident in Québec on December 31 of the year concerned, or who were resident in Québec immediately before ceasing to reside in Canada during the year concerned. You must also use the RL-2 slip to report amounts respecting which you made source deductions.
The RL-2 slip must also be filed regarding payments made to an employee under the terms of a pension plan, further to the amendment or winding-up of the plan.
Issuers of registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) or registered retirement income funds (RRIFs)
If you are the issuer of an RRSP or a RRIF, you must file RL-2 slips to report amounts paid during the year to persons who were resident in Québec on December 31 of the year concerned, or who were resident in Québec immediately before ceasing to reside in Canada during the year concerned. You must also use the RL-2 slip to report
- amounts respecting which you made source deductions;
- benefits that a person resident in Québec is deemed to have received immediately prior to his or her death, and amounts that are taxable further to the amendment of the RRSP or RRIF;
- amounts that relate to a transaction or activity involving property of the RRSP or RRIF, and that a person resident in Québec is required to include in the calculation of his or her income pursuant to section 932, 933, 961.18 or 961.19 of the Taxation Act, or may deduct in the calculation of his or her income pursuant to section 926, 928, 961.20 or 961.21 of the Act.
Payers of income-averaging annuities
If you are licensed or otherwise authorized under the laws of Canada or of a province to carry on an annuities business or to offer trustee services in Canada or in a province, you must file RL-2 slips to report
- amounts you paid during the year to persons who were resident in Québec on December 31 of the year concerned, or who were resident in Québec immediately before ceasing to reside in Canada during the year concerned. Such amounts include the proceeds of the surrender, cancellation, redemption, sale or other disposition of an income-averaging annuity contract;
- amounts you are deemed to have paid to such persons as the proceeds of disposition of an income-averaging annuity contract, and amounts respecting which you made source deductions.
Trustees of a deferred profit-sharing plan (DPSP)
If you are the trustee of a deferred profit-sharing plan (DPSP), you must file RL-2 slips to report the amounts paid under the plan (including a plan whose registration has been revoked) during the year to a person who was resident in Québec on December 31 of the year concerned, or who was resident in Québec immediately before ceasing to reside in Canada during the year concerned. You must also use the RL-2 slip to report amounts respecting which you made source deductions.
RL-2 slips
Copy 1
Copy 1 of each RL-2 slip must be attached to the RL-2 summary and sent to the Québec or Montréal office of Revenu Québec by last day of February following the calendar year to which the slips apply.
Copies 2 and 3
You must remit copies 2 and 3 of the RL-2 slips to the beneficiaries by the deadline specified for copy 1.
Office Copy
Keep an office copy of the RL-2 slips and a copy of form RL-2.SUseful links:
Guide to Filing the RL-2 Slip: Retirement and Annuity Income