Filing the RL-2 summary
The RL-2 summary is a statement indicating the totals for the data entered on the RL-2 slips. If you reported amounts on one or more RL-2 slips, you must file an RL-2 summary.
The total amounts entered in a given box for all the RL-2 slips prepared, will be entered in the corresponding box of the summary. This operation will be repeated for each box. The amount entered in box J of the RL-2 summary will also be entered in the corresponding box of the Summary of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions (form RLZ-1.S-V).
Your remittances and source deductions for the year may thus be compared with the data entered on the RL-1 and RL-2 slips.
The summary must be signed by the person who provides the information.
Submit the RL-2 summary to Revenu Québec along with copy 1 of the RL-2 slips you are submitting on paper and copy 1 of the Summary of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions (form RLZ-1.S-V).
(/p)Useful links:
Guide to Filing the RL-2 Slip: Retirement and Annuity Income