T4A-NR Slips
Distributing the T4A-NR slips
You must give recipients their T4A-NR slips on or before the last day of February following the calendar year to which the slips apply. If you do not, you may be subject to a penalty.
Provide the recipient with one of the following:
- two copies, sent by mail to their last known address;
- two copies, delivered in person; or
- one copy distributed electronically (for example, by e-mail), if you have the recipients consent in writing or electronic format.
Print the two T4A-NR slips that you have to give to each recipient on one sheet. For security purposes, do not print your Payroll Account Number on these copies.
If T4A-NR slips are returned as undeliverable, we suggest that you retain the slips with the non-resident's file.Keep a copy of the T4A-NR slips for your records.
Send your completed paper T4A-NR information return to:
Ottawa Technology Centre
Canada Revenue Agency
875 Heron Road
Ottawa ON K1A 1G9
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