RC145 Request to close business number (BN) program accounts
Closing accounts
When you decide to close your business (a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation) and no longer need your Business Number (BN), you have to complete certain forms before the account can be closed. If your business is registered in Ontario, see Registered in Ontario.
Each business account has its own procedures (remitting and filing obligations).
PayrollRemit all CPP/QPP contributions, EI premiums, and income tax deductions to your tax centre within seven days of the day your business ends.
You also need to complete and file the T4 and T4A slips and summaries electronically or send them to the Ottawa Technology Centre within 30 days of the day your business ends.
Complete Form RC145, Request to Close Business Number (BN) accounts.
GST/HSTFor more information, see Deregistering (closing) your GST/HST account.
Corporate income taxWhen you want to permanently dissolve your corporation, you should send an application for dissolution to the government body that governs the affairs of your corporation.
Taxpayers wishing to dissolve an Ontario jurisdiction corporation should contact Business Enquiries and not the Ontario Ministry of Revenue.
You should also file a final return and send us a copy of the articles of dissolution. Otherwise, we consider that the corporation still exists, and it will have to file a return even if there is no tax payable.
Usefull links:
Guide RC4022, General Information for GST/HST Registrants
T4001, Employer's Guide - Payroll Deductions and Remittances
T4012, T2 Corporation - Income Tax Guide