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General information

Advantages of direct deposit include:

This is a one-time application. After the start of direct deposit, you must complete a new Form GST469, Direct Deposit Request to:

Your request for direct deposit will remain in effect until you file a new form or cancel it. To stop direct deposit, use this form or call 1-800-959-5525.

If your financial institution advises us of a change in your financial institution number, branch number, or account number, we may redirect payments according to the information provided by the institution.

The account you identify must hold Canadian funds at a financial institution in Canada.

If for some reason we cannot deposit funds into the account, we will mail a cheque to you at the address we have on file.

Only GST/HST refunds or rebates can be deposited directly into the account you identify in Part B. We will continue to pay you by cheque until we process your form. For more information on direct deposit, visit our Web site at or call 1-800-959-5525.

Part A – Identification

Enter your Business Number (BN), if you have one. Otherwise, leave that box blank.

If you are requesting that we deposit your GST/HST new residential rental property rebate directly into your bank account and you do not have a BN, Form GST469 must be signed by the same person that signs Form GST524, GST/HST New Residential Rental Property Rebate Application.

Part B – Direct deposit routing information

Part C – Certification

Print your name and title. Sign and date the application.