RL-11.S Renunciation of Expenses or Allocation of Assistance by a Corporation
The form RL-11.S must be completed by any development corporation that has chosen the flow-through share system and that is required to renounce its resource expenses in favour of investors, to allocate amounts of assistance to investors, or to reduce or reclassify previously renounced expenses. For further information, consult the Guide to Filing the RL-11 Slip (RL-11.G-V).
A development corporation that has agreed to issue flow-through shares and, consequently, to renounce its deduction respecting resource expenses in favour of investors must complete the RL-11 slip.
You must use the RL-11 slip to provide information concerning :
the renunciation of expenses incurred from the date the agreement was entered into to the end of the 24th month following the month in which the agreement was entered into (the renunciation can be made at any time before the end of the month of February of the year following this period);
the allocation of amounts of assistance it received or was entitled to receive as an agent respecting the expenses mentioned in the previous point; and
the revision of previously renounced expenses.
Before filing RL-11 slips, you must complete form RL-11.S Renunciation of Expenses or Allocation of Assistance by a Corporation.
The amounts entered on this form will be automatically allocated to the recipients according to the Recipient's percentage entered in the RL-11 Data Entry for each recipient.
Useful links:
RL-11.G.V Guide to Filing the RL-11 Slip