RL-25 Summary - Income from a profit-sharing plan
Instructions for Completing the RL-25 Slip
Explanation of the boxes on the RL-25 slip
The numbers at the end of certain paragraphs refer to sections of the Taxation Act (numerals only), the Regulation respecting the Taxation Act (numbers including the letter R), or the Act respecting the Québec Pension Plan (numbers beginning with AQPP).
Box marked Année
Enter the calendar year in which the amounts were allocated or paid by the trustee.
Box marked Code du relevé
Enter R on original slips, A on amended slips and «D» on cancelled slips.
Box marked No du dernier relevé transmis
If you are completing an amended RL-25 slip, enter the number of the last RL-25 you filed and wish to amend.
Box A1 – Actual amount of eligible dividends
Enter the actual amount of eligible dividends that was allocated to the beneficiary.
An eligible dividend is a taxable dividend paid or deemed paid by a corporation resident in Canada that is
- a public corporation or a corporation that is not a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC) whose income is subject to the general corporation income tax rate;
- a CCPC whose income (other than investment income) is subject to the general corporation income tax rate.
Box A2 – Actual amount of ordinary dividends
Enter the actual amount of ordinary dividends from Canadian corporations that was allocated to the beneficiary. Such dividends are not entered in box A1.
Box B – Capital gains (or losses)
Enter the net amount of Canadian and foreign capital gains (or losses) that was allocated to the trust's beneficiary. Do not include gains (or losses) from the disposition of qualified farm or fishing property or qualified small business corporation shares, which must be reported in box C.
Foreign capital gains (or losses)
Foreign capital gains (or losses) must be indicated in Canadian dollars.
If the trust realized a capital gain on the disposition of foreign property and income tax on the gain was paid to a foreign government or a political subdivision of a foreign country, enter B-1 in one of the blank boxes, followed by the corresponding amount of foreign capital gains (or losses). Enter in box H the amount of foreign income tax relating to the gain.
Box C – Capital gains (or losses) used to calculate the exemption
Enter the net amount of the capital gains (or losses) on the disposition of qualified farm or fishing property or qualified small business corporation shares that was allocated to the trust's beneficiary.
Enter C-1 in one of the blank boxes, followed by the amount of capital gains (or losses) on the disposition of qualified farm or fishing property.
Enter C-2 in one of the blank boxes, followed by the amount of capital gains (or losses) on the disposition of qualified small business corporation shares.
Box D – Other amounts allocated or paid
Enter the total of the amounts that were allocated to the employee and that consist of payments made to the trustee by the employer during the year. The employer is required to make Québec Pension Plan (QPP) contributions on these amounts. Enter D-1 in one of the blank boxes, followed by the total of the amounts that were allocated.
Also enter the total of the other amounts allocated and the taxable amounts paid to the employee during the year, on which the employer was not required to make QPP contributions. These may include amounts previously allocated to other employees and subsequently reallocated, amounts allocated as profits made by the trust on property or business income paid. Enter D-2 in one of the blank boxes, followed by the total of the other amounts that were allocated.
Do not include in box D the amounts to be reported in box A1, A2, B or C, or the amounts to be taken into account in calculating the employee's income for a previous taxation year.
Foreign income
All foreign income must be indicated in Canadian dollars. If foreign income tax was paid on the income, enter D-3 in one of the blank boxes, followed by the amount of foreign income. Enter in box H the amount of foreign income tax allocated.852, 857, 859, AQPP 45(b)
Box E – Cancelled allocations
Enter the amount of the allocations that were cancelled because the person ceased to be a beneficiary of the plan during the year, provided the person did not become a beneficiary again during the year.
Box F – Taxable amount of eligible and ordinary dividends
Enter the taxable amount of eligible dividends and ordinary dividends. Add the taxable amounts of dividends calculated according to the following formulas:
- amount from box A1 X 1.38 (for eligible dividends);
- amount from box A2 X 1.25 (for ordinary dividends).
497, 863
Box G – Dividend tax credit
Enter the amount of the dividend tax credit to which the beneficiary is entitled. Add the amounts of the tax credits calculated according to the following formulas:
- amount from box A1 X 16.442% (for eligible dividends);
- amount from box A2 X 10% (for ordinary dividends).
Box H – Foreign income tax on non-business income
Enter the beneficiary's share of the income tax paid by the trust to the government of a foreign country or a political subdivision of a foreign country on foreign non-business income (such income is included in box B or D).
If foreign income tax was paid on income reported in more than one box, a separate RL-25 slip must be filed for each type of income.
772.6, 867
Box I – Québec income tax withheld
Enter the amount withheld as Québec income tax during the year.
1015R9, 1015R11, 345(a)iii
Box marked Nom du régime d'intéressement
Enter the names of the principal parties to the trust deed established under the profit-sharing plan.
Box marked Numéro d'assurance sociale (NAS) du bénéficiaire
Individuals are required to provide their social insurance number to any person filing an RL slip in their name. Individuals who do not have a number must apply for one from Service Canada. Failure to indicate an individual's social insurance number may result in penalties for both the individual and the person completing the slip. Moreover, persons to whom a social insurance number has been communicated are prohibited from using or disclosing it except for the purposes provided for by law, and may be fined for doing so.
Enter the beneficiary's last name, followed by the first name and last known address (including the postal code). Be sure to enter the name exactly as it is shown on the beneficiary's social insurance card or in the letter from Service Canada.
Trustee or employer
On each RL slip, enter the name and address (including the postal code) of the trustee or employer.