T2200 Declaration of conditions of employment
General information
You can deduct certain expenses, including GST/HST if you are an employee and your employer requires you to pay expenses, under your contract of employment, to earn your employment income and you did not receive a non-taxable allowance.
If you are deducting employment expenses, yoiu will have to complete Part A of Form T2200 and your employer will have to complete Part B and sign Form T2200. If you have more than one employer, ask each employer to complete and sign a form. You do not have to include this form with your return, but keep it in case the CRA ask to see it. If you are a resident of Québec you will also need to complete Form TP-64.3-V.
T2200 - Data entry
To generate a T2200 form, go to the Form Navigator, select Client information and enter the employer information. This information will be transferred to Part Employer declaration of the T2200 form. From the menu Forms, add as many forms as you need. Open a form by clicking on it in the Forms Navigator and enter the employee information, using a separate form for each employee.
Useful links:
T4044 - Employment Expenses - Includes Forms GST370, T777, TL2, and T2200
IT522R - Vehicle, Travel and Sales Expenses of Employees
IT352R2 - Employee's Expenses, Including Work Space in Home Expenses
T777 - Statement of Employment Expenses
Line 229 - Other employment expenses