Data entry for the T2202A and RL-8 slips
To complete the T2202A and RL-8 slips, you must enter the data for each student in a separate data entry form.
To add a new student, please click on "Add recipients", select T2202A and RL-8 and specify the number of recipients to be added.
Student's identification
This section allows you to enter the student's personal information, such as the name, first name, address, student identification number, permanent code and name of the program.
In addition, you must specify whether you wish to file an RL-8 slip.
Additional information
Please enter the period for full-time or part-time studies. You must enter the months during which you were an enrolled student, and check the box below to indicate whether you were a full-time or part-time student. This information is required for the T2202A slip.
You must enter the amount of your tuition fees in the field for Eligible tuition fees. This amount will be carried over to your T2202A and RL-8 slips.
You must specify the number of sessions of full-time studies, in order to determine the amount for post-secondary studies. This information is required for your RL-8 slip.
DT FormMax will take all of this information into account in order to generate your T2202A and RL-8 slips.