- T4A and RL-1/RL-2 Data
In order to complete the T4A slip, Statement of Pension,
Retirement, Annuity and Other Income, you must enter each
recipient's information using separate T4A and RL-1/RL-2 data entry
Additional forms can be opened by choosing the "Add forms" icon or
by going to Forms, Add form on the menu tool bar. Multiple data
entry forms can be opened simultaneously by entering the requested
number in "Number of copies selected for each form" in the "Add
Forms" dialogue box.
A federal T4A slip will be automatically generated for every
recipient, however a RL-1 or RL-2 slip will only be displayed if
the province of employment is Quebec. Data entered for the federal
T4A slip will be used to calculate the Quebec RL-1 or RL-2 amounts.
These amounts can be overridden by using F3 or by right clicking on
the line and entering the required amount. All overridden lines
will be traceable through the diagnostic box.
On the second page of the data entry form, you can enter footnotes
that will be posted on the appropriate slips.
Useful links:
When to complete a T4A slip
Completting the T4A slip
T4A information return
for Employers Source Deductions and Contributions 2009
to Filing the RL-1 Slip Employment and Other Income 2008