Relevé 17 - Rémunération provenant d'un emploi à l'extérieur du CanadaData entry In order to complete the RL-17 slips, you must enter each employee's information using separate data entry forms. Additional forms can be opened by choosing the "Add new forms" icon or by going to Forms, Add new form on the menu tool bar. Multiple data entry forms can be opened simultaneously by entering the requested number in "Qty of selected form to open" in the "Add Forms" dialogue box. General information You must complete RL-17 slip, Relevé 17 - Rémunération provenant d'un emploi à l'extérieur du Canada, for each employee who worked outside Canada and for each of the employee's stays outside the country during a taxation year. (Thus, for an employee who worked outside Canada on two or more separate occasions during the year, you must file two or more slips.) Your RL-17 slips must be filed, together with your RL-1 slips, by the last day of February of the year following the year covered by the slips. For more information on how to complete the slip, on the required calculations and on the conditions to be met, refer to the Guide to Filing the RL-17 Slip: Remuneration for Employment Outside Canada (RL-17.G-V). This slip is provided only in french, see below the english translation of the boxes explanation. Explanation of boxes and instructions Box A - Total deduction for the year for the remuneration earned outside Canada. Enter this amount on line 297 of your income tax return. Box B - Total income for the year from employment outside Canada (salary or wages, and allowances). Box C - Total income for the stay outside Canada (salary or wages, and allowances). Box D - Out-of-Canada living allowance for the year (included in the amount shown in box B). Box E - Total out-of-Canada living allowance (included in the amount shown in box C). Box F - Number of days spent outside Canada during the year. Box G - Number of consecutive periods of 30 full days worked during the stay outside Canada. Box H - Date of departure from Canada. Box I - Expected date of return to Canada. Box J - Name of the foreign country in which the remuneration was earned Filing and transmitting the RL-17 slip If you are filing more than 50 RL-17 slips for a calendar year, you must transmit your RL-slip data online in an XML file. Useful links: Guide to Filing the RL-17 Slip: Remuneration for Employment
Outside Canada