Information concerning the electionDescription of the electionGenerally, memberships in organizations in which a person is required to be a member in order to maintain a professional status, recognized by statute, are exempt from GST/HST. However, an organization may elect to have all or part of its otherwise exempt supplies of memberships treated as taxable supplies. It may wish to do so if most of its members are entitled to recover the GST/HST paid. For example, some of your organization's members may be entitled to input tax credits or an employee and partner rebate. Indicate the class of membership for which you are making the election in the "Election" section of this form. If you are electing that all classes be taxable, fill in the blank space with the word "all." If you are electing more than one class of membership but not on all of them, attach a list on a separate sheet. Effect of election If you elect to make supplies of your organization's memberships taxable, these supplies must be included in the total taxable supplies used to determine the GST/HST registration and reporting requirements of your organization. If you elect to make supplies of a membership taxable, you may be able to claim an input tax credit for the GST/HST paid or payable on goods and services acquired in the course of making these supplies. Effect of a Revocation of Election This section should be completed if you decide to revoke a previously made election. Indicate the class of membership for which you are revoking the election in the "Revoking the Election" section of this form. If you are revoking the election that all classes are taxable, fill in the blank space with the word "all." If you are revoking the election for more than one class of membership but not on all of them, attach a list on a separate sheet identifying the class of membership to be revoked. If your organization revokes a previously made election, the GST/HST will no longer apply to your supplies of professional memberships as of the effective date of revocation. Also, you will no longer be eligible to claim input tax credits for the GST/HST paid or owing on goods and services acquired to make those supplies. Duration of Election An election will remain in effect until the date you provide in Section D of this form. Books and records You do not have to file this form with the Canada Revenue Agency. However, you have to complete it and keep it with your organization's books and records while an election is in effect and for six years from the end of the year to which the election relates. For more information For more information, go to www.cra.gc.ca/gsthst or call 1-800-959-5525. |