General informationWho should complete this return?Use this return to report and pay the GST/HST if you are in either of the following situations:
Note Do not use this return if you are a selected listed financial institution (SLFI) for Quebec sales tax (QST) purposes, or an SLFI for GST/HST purposes that has QST reporting requirements. Instead, use Form RC7260, GST/HST and QST Return for Acquisition of Real Property/Immovable by a Selected Listed Financial Institution. For more information, including the definition of an SLFI for GST/HST and/or QST purposes, go to www.cra.gc.ca/slfi.ExceptionsDo not use this return if you acquired taxable real property and you are in any of the following situations:
Completing your returnPart 1Complete all boxes in Part 1 of your return. Part 1 is your working copy. Make sure to keep it and any information you used to prepare your return, in case we ask to see them. What is the acquisition date of the real property?You have to enter the acquisition date of the real property on your return. This date will determine the due date for your return and payment. For purposes of your return, the acquisition date of the real property is the earlier of:
Exception for certain residential condominium unitsIf you purchased a residential condominium unit and possession of the unit is transferred to you under the purchase and sale agreement before the condominium complex is registered as a condominium, the acquisition date is the earlier of:
Due dateYour return and payment are due on or before the last day of the
month after the calendar month that includes the acquisition
date. Completing line 205 – Which rate of tax applies?If the real property is situated in:
Special rules apply if the real property is situated in both a participating province and another province (or outside Canada). For example, an acquisition of real property may include land that straddles the border between a participating province and another province. If you are in this situation, call 1-800-959-8287. Completing your returnPart 2Enter your business number (if applicable), the acquisition date
of the real property, and information from lines 201, 205, and 215
in Part 1 into the corresponding boxes in Part 2 (at the bottom of
page 1). DefinitionParticipating province – means a province that has harmonized its provincial sales tax with the GST to implement the HST. Participating provinces include New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Prince Edward Island, but do not include the Nova Scotia offshore area or the Newfoundland offshore area except to the extent that offshore activities, as defined in subsection 123(1) of the Excise Tax Act are carried on in that area. Where do you send your return?Send Part 2 of your return with your payment to your tax centre. To determine your tax centre, see page 4. You cannot file your return at your financial institution. Note
If your payment is $50,000 or more, you must make it at your financial institution in Canada. However, you are still required to mail your return to your tax centre. What if you need help?For more information, go to cra.gc.ca/gsthst, or call
1-800-959-5525. How to determine your tax centre
In Quebec, Revenu Québec generally administers the GST/HST. If the physical location of your business is in Quebec, you have to file your returns with Revenu Québec using its forms, unless you are a selected listed financial institution (SLFI). For more information, see the Revenu Québec publication IN-203-V, General Information Concerning the QST and the GST/HST, available at revenuquebec.ca, or call 1-800-567-4692. If you are an SLFI and you have a permanent establishment in Quebec, go to cra.gc.ca/slfi. |