If you file your T5008 information return electronically, do not fill out this summary. Mandatory electronic filingIf you file more than 50 T5008 slips for a calendar year, you must file the T5008 information return over the Internet. You may choose one of the following electronic filing formats:
For more information about filing electronically, go to canada.ca/taxes-iref. You can also file information returns online using the "File a return" service at:
Note: If you use Web Forms, a maximum of 100 slips can be filed per transmission. If you have 110 slips, you would have to complete two transmissions. Filing on paper Fill out this form using the instructions in Guide T4091, T5008 Guide – Return of Securities Transactions. The handbook is only available in electronic format. To get our forms and publications, go to canada.ca/cra-forms or call 1-800-959-5525. Send this T5008 Summary and the related T5008 slips to: Jonquière Tax Centre |