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  • Return of Securities Transactions

If you file your T5008 information return electronically, do not fill out this summary.

Mandatory electronic filing

If you file more than 50 T5008 slips for a calendar year, you must file the T5008 information return over the Internet.

You may choose one of the following electronic filing formats:

  1. Internet file transfer (XML)
  2. Web Forms

For more information about filing electronically, go to

You can also file information returns online using the "File a return" service at:

Filing on paper

Fill out this form using the instructions in Guide T4091, T5008 Guide – Return of Securities Transactions, or RC4268, Handbook on Securities Transactions – A Summary of Reporting Requirements under the Income Tax Regulations. The handbook is only available in electronic format.

To get our forms and publications, go to or call 1-800-959-5525.

Send this T5008 Summary and the related T5008 slips to:

Data Assessment and Evaluation Programs Division
Ottawa Technology Centre
875 Heron Road
Ottawa ON  K1A 1A2


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