In order to complete the T10 Pension adjustment reversal (Par) you must enter each recipient's information using separate T10 data entry forms. Additional forms can be opened by choosing the "Add forms" icon or by going to Forms, Add form on the menu tool bar. Multiple data entry forms can be opened simultaneously by entering the requested number in "Number of copies selected for each form" in the "Add Forms" dialogue box. Instructions for the RPP administrator or DPSP trusteeA pension adjustment reversal (PAR) is an amount that is calculated under section 8304.1 of the Income Tax Regulations. For information about calculating the PAR amount, see Guide RC4137, Pension Adjustment Reversal Guide. Enter the amount rounded to the nearest dollar in box 2. Insert Yes in box 5 only if this PAR is an amendment or deletion of a previously reported PAR. Otherwise, leave it blank. PAR AmendmentsIf you have to report an amended PAR, file another T10 slipand indicate yes in the amendment box (box 5) of the form. The amended T10 slip should contain the revised total PAR amount for the year from the plan, not an additional or negative amount. Your totals on the T10 Summary and T10 Segment (if applicable) will reflect the number of amended T10 slips included with the PAR return. You can file amended forms with original PAR slips as long as they are for the same year and plan number. Useful links:RC4137 Pension Adjustment Reversal Guide
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