TP-1015.3.V - Source Deductions Return InstructionsAre you required to complete this form?Complete this form and give it to your employer or payer so that they can determine the income tax to withhold from the salaries, wages, commissions, pension income, parental insurance benefits, Employment Insurance benefits, wage loss replacement benefits or any other remuneration they pay you. If you do not complete this form, your employer or payer will only take into account the basic personal amount to determine the income tax to be withheld. The deduction code will remain in effect until you give your employer or payer a new duly completed copy of this form. You are not required to complete this form each year to benefit from the annual indexation of the income tax system. The personal tax credits and deductions that appear on this form may be subject to a limit if you are not resident in Canada or if you become a non-resident during the year. In such cases, contact us. This form is available on our website at revenuquebec.ca. Filing deadlineYou must give this form, duly completed, to your employer or payer:
Furthermore, you can give a duly completed copy of this form to your employer or payer at any time to:
Reduction in source deductions of income taxIf you are entitled to tax credits and deductions that do not appear on this form, complete the Application for a Reduction in Source Deductions of Income Tax (form TP-1016-V) so that we can authorize your employer or payer to reduce the income tax that is withheld. Line 2 – Amount transferred from one spouse to the otherIf you expect to have a spouse on December 31, 2020, you can claim the amount transferred from one spouse to the other. However, you cannot claim the amount if your spouse receives indemnities further to an industrial accident, a precautionary cessation of work, a traffic accident or an act of good citizenship, or because he or she was the victim of a crime. To calculate your spouses estimated taxable income, refer to lines 101 through 299 of their income tax return for 2019. To claim the amount transferred from one spouse to the other, you and your spouse must each file an income tax return for 2020.
Line 3 – Amount for dependantsAmount for a child under 18 enrolled in post-secondary studies If you expect to be supporting at least one child under 18 enrolled in post-secondary studies on December 31, 2020, complete Work Chart 1. If the child transfers the unused portion of his or her credits to his or her spouse, you cannot claim the amount for a child under 18 enrolled in post-secondary studies with respect to that child.
Amount for other dependants If you expect to be supporting at least one other dependant who is 18 or older in 2020, complete Work Chart 1.
Line 5 – Amount for a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functionsIf, in 2020, you or your spouse is entitled to claim the amount for a severe and prolonged impairment in mental or physical functions, you can enter $3,449 for each person with such an impairment, as certified by a health professional. For more information, refer to the Certificate Respecting an Impairment (form TP-752.0.14-V). Line 6 – Age amount, amount for a person living alone and amount for retirement incomeThe age amount, amount for a person living alone and amount for retirement income can be reduced on the basis of your estimated net family income. To calculate your estimated net family income, refer to lines 101 through 275 on your income tax return and, if applicable, on your spouse's return. Note that you cannot claim this amount if your estimated net family income is more than $75,296 and you have a spouse on December 31, 2020, or if your estimated net family income is more than $54,112 and you do not have a spouse on December 31, 2020. Amount for a person living alone (line 75 of Work Chart 2) If, throughout 2020, you expect to maintain and ordinarily live in a dwelling in which you live alone or only with one or more people under 18, or one or more of your children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren 18 or over who are full-time students pursuing vocational training at the secondary level or post-secondary studies, enter $1,780. Additional amount for a person living alone (single-parent family) [line 76 of Work Chart 2] You can enter $2,197 if you are entitled to the amount for a person living alone for 2020 and
Amount for retirement income (line 80 of Work Chart 2) If you or your spouse receives retirement income that qualifies for a tax credit in 2020, enter the lesser of the following amounts:
Line 9 – Amount for career extensionYou can claim the amount for career extension if you meet the following conditions:
To calculate the amount, complete Work Chart 3.
Line 11 – Additional income tax to be withheldYou can request that an additional amount of income tax be withheld to avoid owing an amount when you file your income tax return. Before you determine how much additional income tax should be withheld, you must estimate the amount that you will owe for the year. To do this, you can:
Once you have estimated the amount you will owe, divide the amount by the number of pay periods left in the year. If you would like to change or cancel the amount of additional income tax being withheld, you must complete a new copy of this form and give it to your employer or payer. Line 14 – Housing deduction for residents of designated remote areasIf you expect to live in a prescribed northern zone or a prescribed intermediate zone for a period of at least six consecutive months beginning or ending in 2020, you can enter the lesser of the following amounts:
For more information, consult guide TP-350.1.G-V, Deduction for Residents of Designated Remote Areas. Line 15 – Deductible support paymentsIf, in 2020, you expect to make support payments to your spouse or former spouse, to the mother or father of your child, or to a third party for the benefit of your child or one of the aforementioned people, you can enter the amount of support on line 15, provided, as a rule, you meet the following conditions:
For further information, refer to The Tax Effects of Separation and Divorce (IN-128-V). Box 20 – Exemption from source deductions of income taxYou can ask your employer to not withhold income tax from your employment income if you expect the total of your income from all sources to be less than the result of the following calculation: the amount on line 10, plus the amount on line 19. Note that this exemption cannot be requested for remuneration that is not employment income. This request is valid only for 2020. |