Method of paymentThe payment can be made online using a financial institution's online payment service. The payment can also be sent by mail, using the provided return envelope. Send Revenu Québec the detachable portion of this form with a cheque or money order made payable to the Minister of Revenue of Québec. Make sure you write the business's identification number on the back of the cheque or money order. Lastly, the payment can be made in person by presenting the detachable portion of the form at a financial institution. Any payment of $50,000 or more must be made at a financial institution. Reception date of paymentThe reception date of a payment is the date on which Revenu Québec or the financial institution receives it. If you send a postdated cheque, the reception date is the date on which the cheque can be cashed. Interest may be charged on any unpaid amount. ReturnThis form is not a return. You must use this form when you make an instalment payment. To file your return, you must use either form FPZ-34-V, GST/HST Return, or the File a GST/HST Return online service available on Revenu Québec's website. You can mail the detachable portion of form FPZ-34-V to Revenu Québec. Calculating GST/HST instalmentsYou can use form FPZ-558.C-V, Calculation of Instalments: GST/HST and QST, to calculate your instalment payments. "Amount remitted" boxEnter the amount of your GST/HST instalment in this box. To notify Revenu Québec of any change related to your GST/HST registration, complete and enclose the detachable portion of the return envelope. You can also go to the Revenu Québec website to make changes. Personal information is collected under the Excise Tax Act to administer tax, rebates, and elections. It may also be used for any purpose related to the enforcement of the Act such as audit, compliance and collection activities. It may be shared or verified with other federal, provincial, territorial or foreign government institutions to the extent authorized by law. Failure to provide this information may result in interest payable, penalties or other actions. Under the Privacy Act, individuals have the right to: access their personal information; request corrections; or, file a complaint to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding the handling of the individual's personal information. Refer to Personal Information Bank CRA PPU 241 on Info Source at canada.ca/cra-info-source. |