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  • CPT16 - Application for exempt CPP religious

You may use this form to choose, for religious reasons, to not contribute to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) on your self-employed earnings, if:

  • you are a self-employed worker and

  • you are a member of a certified religious sect or of a certified division of a religious sect

For more information, go to and click on Religious sects and the Canada Pension Plan or call 1-800-959-5525.

If you want your application to take effect this year, make sure you fill out and send this form to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) by December 31 of this year. For information on where to send your completed form, see page 2.

If you file your income tax and benefit return on paper, write "religious exemption" to the right of line 31000 on page 6 of your return. The description for line 31000 is "Base CPP or QPP contributions: on self-employment and other earnings".


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