General informationEffect of electionTo elect to have the exempt memberships, or a specific class(es) of membership, treated as taxable supplies, you must fill out Parts B and C of this form. Once the election is made, if you are registered or required to be registered, then you must charge and remit the GST/HST on these supplies as of the effective date. You are also entitled to claim input tax credits to recover the GST/HST you paid or owe on property and services acquired to make those supplies. If you are not already registered for GST/HST, the revenue from these supplies of memberships must be included in your calculation to determine if you have to register and to determine your reporting period. Effect of a revocation of electionTo revoke a previously made election, fill out Part D of this form. The effective date of revocation represents the date you must no longer collect GST/HST on supplies of those memberships specified in Part D. It is also the date you must no longer claim input tax credits for the GST/HST you paid or owe on property and services acquired to make those supplies. Duration of electionAn election will remain in effect until the date you provide in Part D. Books and recordsYou do not have to file this form with the Canada Revenue Agency. However, you have to fill out and sign the form and keep it with your books and records while the election is in effect, and then for 6 years from the end of the year the election is revoked. You may have more than one form revoking a previously made election for a class(es) of membership listed in Part B. All revocation forms must be kept with the original election form. What if you need help?For more information, go to canada.ca/gst-hst or call 1-800-959-5525. |