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  • TPZ-1029.MD.8-V - Application for Advance Payments for Services Included in Condominium Fees


Application for Advance Payments for Services Included in Condominium Fees

Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors

You can claim the tax credit for home-support services for seniors in two ways:

  • by applying for advance payments using this form or the online service for applying for advance payments of the tax credit for home-support services for seniors in My Account for individuals at; or

  • by completing Schedule J when filing your income tax return.

If you apply for advance payments, you will receive an RL-19 slip by the end of February of the following year. The total amount of advance payments that you received in the year will be printed on the slip. You must report this amount in your income tax return. You must also complete Schedule J of your return to calculate the exact amount of the tax credit to which you are entitled for the year.


You may be entitled to the tax credit for a given year provided that you were resident in Québec on December 31 of the taxation year covered by the application. If you receive advance payments of the tax credit for a given year but are no longer resident in Québec on December 31 of that year, you will have to file an income tax return and repay the advance payments received.

Regardless of the way you choose to claim the tax credit, the amount to which you are entitled is the same.

For more information, visit our website.

You can also reach us at:

  • 418 266-1016 in the Québec City area;

  • 514 940-1481 in the Montréal area; or

  • 1 855 291-6467 (toll-free) elsewhere in Québec.

Are you entitled to receive advance payments of the tax credit?

To be entitled to receive advance payments of the tax credit, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  • You must be 70 or older.

  • You must live in Québec.

  • You must agree to have your advance payments deposited directly in your bank account.

  • You must submit your application no later than December 1, 2023.

We may deny your application for advance payments if you or your spouse received advance payments for a previous year and, at the time your application is received, you have not filed an income tax return for that previous year.

Likewise, we can withhold or suspend advance payments if we learn that you have not filed an income tax return for a previous year during which you received advance payments.

What if both you and your spouse are entitled to the tax credit?

If you have a spouse and you are both entitled to the tax credit, only one of you will receive the advance payments to which you are entitled as a couple.

If you and your spouse live in the same dwelling, you must file a single form.

If your spouse does not live in the same dwelling as you, you must each file a separate form.

We process applications received from each member of a couple as if they were part of one file. We will communicate with the member of the couple who receives the advance payments of the tax credit.

Is this the right form for you?

This is the right form for you if you live in a condominium apartment that you own and wish to apply for advance payments for services included in your condominium fees.

However, if you are a tenant and would like to apply for advance payments based on your rent or on services included in your rent, you must file form TPZ-1029.MD.7-V, Application for Advance Payments Based on Rent and Services Included in Rent: Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors.

If you pay for occasional services (whose costs are not included in rent) one or more times in a year, you can file form TPZ-1029.MD.9-V, Application for Advance Payments for Occasional Services: Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors. These are services provided by persons who, for example:

  • help you prepare your meals; or

  • provide you with nursing services.

Call us to request a form or print the form you need from our website.

You can also wait until you file your income tax return to claim the amounts to which you are entitled with respect to occasional services.

Completing the form

Lines 16 and 24

It is important that you check the appropriate box on lines 16 and 24. If you or your spouse is a dependent senior (see the definition below), you may be entitled to a greater amount. We may ask you to provide a document from a physician or a specialized nurse practitioner certifying that you are a dependent senior. Use form TPZ-1029.MD.A-V, Certification of Dependent Senior Status: Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors.

Lines 40 to 45

Make sure you enter the suite or apartment number and the telephone number of your syndicate of co-owners (if applicable).

Lines 52 to 58

To calculate the amount of your advance payments for 2023, we begin by dividing the total cost of the eligible services by the total condominium fees paid by all the co-owners in 2022. We then apply the resulting percentage to your condominium fees to determine the cost of your eligible services for 2023. Therefore, the syndicate of co-owners does not have to estimate the amounts for 2023.

Given that the calculation of your advance payments is based on the expenses of the previous year, you must, when filing your income tax return, complete Schedule J to calculate the exact amount of the tax credit to which you are entitled for the year.

We will use your information for 2023 to calculate your advance payments only if your building was built in 2023. In this case, the budget for condominium fees for 2023 can serve as the basis for calculating your advance payments.


Dependent senior

A person who:

  • depends and will continue to permanently depend, for a prolonged and indefinite period, on other people for most of his or her needs and personal care (personal hygiene, dressing, eating and drinking, personal mobility and transfers); or

  • requires constant supervision because of a serious mental disorder characterized by an irreversible breakdown in thought activity.

If neither of the above-mentioned situations applies to you, you are not considered a dependent senior.


A person who:

  • is married to you;

  • is living in a civil union with you; or

  • is your de facto spouse. A de facto spouse is a person who has been living in a conjugal relationship with you for at least 12 consecutive months (if you were separated for less than 90 days, the 12-month period is considered not to have been interrupted).

Syndicate of co-owners

A body that is comprised of the co-owners of an immovable and constitutes a legal person, the objects of which are to preserve the immovable, to maintain and manage the common portions, to protect the rights appurtenant to the immovable and to take all measures of common interest.

Receiving the amounts to which you are entitled

The amounts you are entitled to are deposited directly in your bank account each month. You must be registered for direct deposit to receive them.

You can register for direct deposit or change your banking information by:

  • using the online services on our website;

  • enclosing with this form a voided cheque bearing your name and social insurance number (the cheque must be from an account that you hold at a financial institution that has an establishment in Canada); or

  • completing a Request for Direct Deposit (form LM-3-V) [call us to get a copy of the form or print it from our website].

Be sure to notify us if you change your bank account.

How is the tax credit calculated?

For 2023, the tax credit is 37% of eligible expenses. The rate will be raised annually by 1% to reach 40% in 2026.

The tax credit is reduced based on your annual family income. The reduction is calculated differently depending on whether you are a non-dependent senior or a dependent senior.

Tax credit reduction for a non-dependent senior

If you are considered a non-dependent senior, the tax credit reduction is calculated using two family income thresholds. First, the credit is reduced by 3% of the portion of the annual family income that exceeds the first threshold of $61,7251 but does not exceed $100,000.2 Next, the credit is reduced by 7% of the portion of the annual family income that exceeds the second threshold of $100,000.2

Sample tax credit calculation for 2023

Family income of $65,000 and eligible expenses of $900

Eligible expenses for the year


Tax credit rate



Amount of tax credit before reduction



Reduction based on first threshold


Reduced tax credit for the year



* ($65,000 - $61,725) x 3% = $98

  1. Amount for 2022, indexed annually. The $61,725 threshold used in the example is for information purposes only and will be indexed in 2023.

  2. Amount for 2022. This amount is used for information purposes only and will be indexed in 2023.

Tax credit reduction for a dependent senior

If you are considered a dependent senior or if you are applying for the tax credit for both you and your spouse and your spouse is considered a dependent senior, the tax credit is reduced by 3% of the portion of the annual family income that exceeds $61,725.3 However, for 2023 the maximum reduction is equal to 2% of eligible expenses. This means that, if the reduction calculated based on family income is greater than the maximum reduction allowed, the maximum reduction will apply. The maximum reduction will increase by 1% annually to reach 5% of eligible expenses in 2026.

Sample tax credit calculation for 2023

Family income of $65,000 and eligible expenses of $900

Eligible expenses for the year


Tax credit rate



Amount of tax credit before reduction



Reduction based on whichever of the following amounts
is less:

  • 3% of the portion of the annual family income
    that exceeds $61,725 ($98); or
  • 2% of eligible expenses ($18).


Reduced tax credit for the year



Appointing someone you trust to represent you

You can appoint a person, such as a friend or family member, to represent you when you need to deal with us by granting a power of attorney concerning your advance payments of the tax credit. By doing so, you allow the person to consult the documents containing the information required to handle your application for advance payments, and you allow us to communicate that information to him or her. Moreover, the person will be able to make changes to the information or documents in your file that concern your advance payments.

To grant a power of attorney for the purposes of advance payments of the tax credit for home-support services for seniors, complete and file form MR-69.MD-V, Power of Attorney for Advance Payments: Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors, or form MR-69-V, Authorization to Communicate Information or Power of Attorney. Note that with form MR-69.MD-V, you can request to have all correspondence regarding your advance payments of the tax credit sent directly to the person appointed as your representative. This option is not available in form MR-69-V. Call us to request a form or print the form you need from our website.

What if your situation changes in the course of the year?

You must inform us of any change that could affect the amount of your tax credit. For example, you must inform us if:

  • you move;

  • your spouse dies;

  • you and your spouse have been separated for 90 days or more because of the breakdown of your relationship; or

  • your spouse must move for health reasons.

Call us to inform us of any such change. We will tell you whether you must file another application for advance payments. If applicable, we will adjust the payments you receive.

Sending the form

Enclose the following document(s) with your form, as required:

  • a voided cheque or a copy of form LM-3-V, if you are not registered for direct deposit;

  • form MR-69.MD-V or form MR-69-V, if you would like to appoint someone to represent you.

Send your completed and signed form, as well as the appropriate documents, to:

Revenu Québec
3800, rue de Marly
C. P. 25100, succursale Terminus
Québec (Québec) G1K 0B1

  1. See note 1.