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  • T2201 - Disability tax credit certificate

General information

What is the DTC?

The disability tax credit (DTC) is a non-refundable tax credit that helps persons with disabilities or their supporting persons reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay.

For more information, go to or see Guide RC4064, Disability-Related Information.

Are you eligible?

A person with a severe and prolonged impairment in physical or mental functions may be eligible for the DTC. To find out if you may be eligible for the DTC, fill out the self-assessment questionnaire in Guide RC4064, Disability-Related Information.

What happens after you send the form?

Make sure to keep a copy of your application for your records. After we receive your application, we will review it and make a decision based on the information provided by your medical practitioner. We will then send you a notice of determination to inform you of our decision.

You are responsible for any fees that the medical practitioner charges to fill out this form or to give us more information. You may be able to claim these fees as medical expenses on line 33099 or line 33199 of your income tax and benefit return.

What if you have questions or need help?

If you need more information after reading this form, go to or call 1-800-959-8281.

Forms and publications

To get our forms and publications, go to or call 1-800-959-8281.

How do you send in your form?

You can send your completed form at any time during the year online or by mail. Sending your form before you file your annual income tax and benefit return may help us assess your return faster.


Submitting your form online is secure and efficient. You will get immediate confirmation that it has been received by the CRA. To submit online, scan your form and send it through the “Submit documents” service in My Account at If you’re a representative, you can access this service in Represent a Client at

By mail

You can send your application to the tax centre closest to you:

Winnipeg Tax Centre
Post Office Box 14000, Station Main
Winnipeg MB  R3C 3M2

Sudbury Tax Centre
Post Office Box 20000, Station A
Sudbury ON  P3A 5C1

Jonquière Tax Centre
2251 René-Lévesque Blvd
Jonquière QC  G7S 5J2