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  • Filing T5 slips - government copy

How to fill out this form

You can use this form if you file on paper.

Before completing any T5 slip, see Guide T4015, T5 Guide – Return of Investment Income. You can get a copy by going to or by calling 1-800-959-5525.

For more information about filing electronically, go to

If you file your T5 slips on paper:

  • use one sheet for three different recipients for the copy you are sending to us. Do not separate the slips when you send them with your T5 Summary

  • use a separate sheet for the two copies you are giving to the recipient and the copy you are keeping in your records

Send a copy with the T5 Summary to:

T5 Program
Jonquière Tax Centre
PO Box 1300, LCD Jonquière
Jonquière QC  G7S 0L5