Carry forward of information pertaining to T4PS/RL-25 in 2012 ![]()
Current status: N/A
If a 2011 file was created with a version prior to v4.0 (e.g. v3.1) and the carry forward to 2012 was done in a version prior to v4.0 then reopened in v4.0 (and up), the names of the beneficiaries in the navigation section are not saved. Therefore, the beneficiaries' slips may not necessarily be produced in the correct alphabetic order for the government copies. Note that if the carry forward was done with v4.0 and up, then the beneficiaries' names will be produced in order.
Solution 1:
Redo the carry forward of information with v4.0 and up. Note that any information that was entered in the version prior to v4.0 for the 2012 file would be lost.
Solution 2:
Keep the 2012 file that was carried forward and select the field for each recipient's name (first and last), then make a modification to both names (e.g. re-enter the first letter of each name) in order to force the program to recalculate.