Recipients listed twice in the Apartment Manager ![]()
Current status: Fixed in version 8.1
Under certain circumstances, you may notice recipients listed twice in the Apartment Manager. This problem stems from adding or deleting apartments in the Apartment Manager. Subsequently, the apartment shown in the "Apt./Suite" field in the Recipient Manager may no longer agree with the apartment listed in the "Tenant mailing address" section for a given recipient. The two aforementioned sections should always agree when you use the "Rental address" as the "Tenant mailing address".
It is important to note that this is only a display issue, and the information in the XML file that is sent to the government will still be correct.
However, the user should not attempt to correct this as it will lead to problems in the XML file that gets sent to the government, and will also prevent the user from being able to delete the apartment. Likewise, attempting to move a recipient to a different apartment will also lead to problems.
This issue is resolved in v8.1. As well, existing files with this issue will be automatically corrected when opened with v8.1. It is advised that you review all recipients to make sure that the apartment numbers are correct. For any that are not, correct them in the Recipient Manager. Save the files when you are done.