Relevé 24 - Internet Filing Numbers incorrectly the same for all recipients ![]()
Current status: Fixed in version 8.1
For files created with version 8.0 (either new or carried forward), the Internet Filing Numbers for the Relevé 24 slips are the same for all recipients. These should be unique for each recipient. Therefore, it is advised that you do not file Relevé 24 slips with version 8.0, and instead wait for a future version that corrects this issue.
This issue is resolved in v8.1. As well, existing files with this issue will be automatically corrected when opened with v8.1. Be sure to save the files when you are done.
Note: If you have already transmitted your Relevé 24 slips to the government (before opening them in v8.1), please contact us for instructions on how to proceed.