Forms for tax year 2020
Slips and summaries
NR4 slip
New form version from the CRA. Income code 85 and
exemption code W have been added for Dividend
compensation payments made under a Securities Lending Arrangement
NR4 Summary
New form version from the CRA
T4 slip
New form version from the CRA. Added codes for the Canada
Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS):
57 - Employment Income – March 15 to May 9
58 - Employment Income – May 10 to July 4
59 - Employment Income – July 5 to August 29
60 - Employment Income – August 30 to September 26
T4 Summary
New form version from the CRA
T4A slip
New form version from the CRA. Code 037 – Advanced
life deferred annuity purchase has been added.
T4A Summary
New form version from the CRA
T4A-NR slip
New form version from the CRA
T4A-NR Summary
New form version from the CRA
T4A-RCA slip
New form version from the CRA
T4A-RCA Summary
New form version from the CRA
T4PS slip
New form version from the CRA
T4PS Summary
New form version from the CRA
T5 slip
New form version from the CRA
T5 Summary
New form version from the CRA
T10 slip
2019 version is still valid for 2020.
T10 Summary
2019 version is still valid for 2020.
T101 slip
2006 version is still valid for 2020.
T215 slip
2019 version is still valid for 2020.
T215 Summary
2019 version is still valid for 2020.
New form version from the CRA
T5008 slip
New form version from the CRA
T5008 Summary
New form version from the CRA
T5018 slip
New form version from the CRA
T5018 Summary
New form version from the CRA
RL-1 slip
New form version from Revenu Québec
New form version from Revenu Québec.
Number 00 in box 31 has been added to claim both an
exemption amount for a large investment project (number 06)
and the credit for contributions to the health services fund in
respect of employees on paid leave due to the COVID-19 pandemic
(number 19) on form RLZ-1.S. You can enter the number 00
in box 31 and add the amounts on line 32.
RL-2 slip
2019 version is still valid for 2020.
As of the 2020 tax year, you must enter in the box marked
"Provenance des revenus" of all RL-2 slips that you file the source
of the amounts that appear on these slips.
To do this, you must use the acronyms listed in the box marked
"RL-2 Income source" on the Data entry page. If you selected
"Other", you must also enter the type of the plan or fund in the
box marked "RL-2 Box 201 – Type of plan or fund".
RL-3 slip
2019 version is still valid for 2020.
RL-7 slip
2018 version is still valid for 2020.
RL-8 slip
2015 version is still valid for 2020.
RL-11 slip
2019 version is still valid for 2020.
RL-11 Summary
2012 version is still valid for 2020.
RL-18 slip
2015 version is still valid for 2020.
RL-24 slip
2017 version is still valid for 2020.
RL-24 Summary
2017 version is still valid for 2020.
RL-25 slip
2019 version is still valid for 2020.
RL-31 slip
2019 version is still valid for 2020.
Federal forms
New form version from the CRA
New form version from the CRA
New form version from the CRA
New form version from the CRA
New form version from the CRA
New form version from the CRA
Quebec forms
New form version from Revenu Québec
New form version from Revenu Québec
New form version from Revenu Québec
New form version from Revenu Québec
New form version from Revenu Québec
Other document
The latest version of this document has been added in Governement Links