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Print this pageForward this document  Alternative minimum tax


Use the keyword AMT-CF to enter the jurisdiction from which the AMT is carried forward.

DT Max automatically calculates any alternative minimum tax payable. However, in order for the calculations to be reliable, you must enter the AMT amount the first year that is it being carried forward.

Please verify that the carryforwards calculated by the program match the CRA's records.

  See the Taxnet Pro™ T1 Line-by-Line Guide (subscription required):
Line 40427 - Minimum tax carry-over (T691)

  See the CRA's general income tax guide:
Line 41400 - Labour-sponsored funds tax credit

Secondary keywordAmount-CF.amt

Enter the amount of alternative minimum tax carryforward for each year.

The following options are applicable for the keyword Amount-CF.amt.

Secondary keywordAmount-CF.amto

Enter the amount of alternative minimum tax carryforward for each year.

The following options are applicable for the keyword Amount-CF.amto.

  See the Taxnet Pro™ T1 Line-by-Line Guide (subscription required):
Line 40427 - Minimum tax carry-over (T691)

  See the CRA's general income tax guide:
Line 41400 - Labour-sponsored funds tax credit


Use the keyword AMT-Hist to enter the amount of alternative minimum tax carryforward applied in the previous year. This amount is found on schedule 1 of the previous year's federal tax return, line 40427, and on line 61540 of the provincial 42800 form. These amounts may differ and should therefore be entered separately. They are required for the calculation of the Ontario minimum tax carryover on schedule T1219.

The following options are applicable for the keyword AMT-Hist.

  • Federal additional taxes paid for AMT
  • Federal minimum tax carryover applied
  • Total federal AMT carryover - beginning of year

Secondary keywordAmount.amt

Use Amount.amt to enter the year and amount of alternative minimum tax applicable.

If the option "Federal additional tax paid for AMT" is chosen, the amount entered should be the additional federal alternative minimum taxes paid in that year.

If the option "Federal minimum tax carryover applied" is chosen, the amount entered should be the federal minimum tax carryover from line 40427.

The following options are applicable for the keyword Amount.amt.

Secondary keywordAmount.prev

Use Amount.prev to enter the year and total federal alternative minimum tax carryforward claimed on line 118 of schedule T691 for that year.

This should be the total of AMT-CF before any carryover is claimed in the year.

The following options are applicable for the keyword Amount.prev.

Secondary keywordAmount-OV.amt

Use the keyword Amount-OV.amt to enter the amount of unapplied Ontario minimum tax carryover as per the Notice of Assessment or Reassessment.

This amount will override DT Max's calculation for the corresponding lines on form T1219-ON.

The following options are applicable for the keyword Amount-OV.amt.