Client IdentificationThe first step in the preparation of a client's file is to enter all the data that are relevant to this client on the identification form. This information will then be carried over to other forms as appropriate. LanguagePlease specify the language of correspondence. By default, the program will use the language of correspondence that is indicated in the preferences. DT FileCabinet IDThis ID number represents the file number under which your file will be saved if you are using the DT FileCabinet program (see the Printing page for more details). By default, the value is taken from the following field on the Client Identification form (depending on the client type of the file):
Note: The value can be overridden if desired. Client Identification – IndividualComplete this section only if the client is an individual. The province of residence and the country of residence are automatically pre-filled according to the information entered in the Default values section of the option Preferences in the Tools menu. Client Identification – Other than IndividualComplete this section only if the client is a corporation, a partnership or a trust. You must then indicate the name of the corporation, partnership or trust. TrusteeComplete this section in order to provide the trustee's informations if your client is a trust. If the trustee is a business, please specify the name of the business in that section. Details pertaining to the trust's province of residence and the date that the trust was created are displayed only for information purposes. Fiscal YearIf your client is a corporation, a partnership or a trust, please indicate the beginning date of its fiscal year. Enter the starting date of the fiscal year and the program will enter the end date of the fiscal year. Telephone NumbersPlease enter your client's phone numbers. In the field for Phone Number for Print, you must indicate which one of these numbers will be printed on the forms. AddressThe form allows you to enter a main address and a secondary address. In order to specify the address that must be entered on the forms, select the appropriate option in the field for Choose the Address in the section Address to Print. By default, the program will indicate the main address as the address to print. Signing OfficerThe signing officer is the person who is authorized by the client to sign the form on his or her behalf. Please enter the information pertaining to the signing officer acting on behalf of your client. Contact PersonThe contact person is the person to reach to obtain information regarding the client. This person may be the signing officer or the accountant who is filling out the client's forms. By default, the contact person is the signing officer. You may change this option by using the drop-down menu for Choose the Contact Person. DateThe signature date will be automatically generated according to the information entered in the Default values section of the Preferences option in the Tools menu. If you wish to modify this selection, please right-click on the Sign Date field and select Override. Business NumbersPlease enter all the business numbers pertaining to your client in this section. NotesThis section will allow you to enter notes or comments regarding your client. |