Form Index
Identification forms
Slips and summaries
Federal forms
Quebec forms
Identification forms
Slips and summaries
T4 and RL-1
- T4 and RL-1 Data entry
- Calculating Automobile Benefits
- T4 - Filing government copies
- T4 - Distributing to employees
- Employee income and benefit summary
- T4 - Summary lines instructions
- RL-1 - Employment and other income
- RL-1 - Filing government copies
- RL-1 - Filing the Summary of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions
- LE-39.0.2-V - Financing of the CNT
T4A and RL-1 or RL-2
- T4A and RL-1/RL-2 Data entry
- T4A slip - Distribution to recipients
- T4A - Pension and other income summary
- RL-1 - Filing the Summary of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions
- T4A summary
- RL-1 Employment and other income
- RL-1 - Filing government copies
- RL-2 slip - Distribution to recipients
- Summary 2
- RL-2 - Filing government copies
T4A-NR and RL-1
- T4A-NR - In house summary
- T4A-NR Slips
- T4A-NR Summary
- Payments to a Non-Resident (RL-1)
- RL-1 - Filing the Summary of Source Deductions and Employer Contributions
T4PS and RL-25
- T4PS and RL-25 Data entry
- T4PS - Summary
- T4PS - In house Summary
- T4PS - Statement of employees profit sharing plan allocations and payments
- RL-25
- T4PS/RL-25 - Employer & Trustee Information
T5 and RL-3
- T5 and RL-3 Data Entry
- T5 - Distributing to the recipient
- Investment income summary
- T5 - Filing government copy
- T5 - Summary
- RL-3 - Investment income
- RL-3 - Summary
- RL-3 slip - Invest income
T101 and RL-11
- T101A Renunciation of Canadian exploration expenditures (CEEs) and Canadian development expenditures (CDEs)
- T101B - Adjustments to Canadian Exploration Expenditures (CEE) and Canadian Development Expenditures (CDE) Previously Renounced
- T101C Part XII.6 Tax Return
- T101D Summary of asistance
- T101 - Statement of resources expenses
- T101 Statement of ressource Expenses
- T101A Renunciation of Canadian exploration expenditures (CEEs) and Canadian development expenditures (CDEs)
- T101B - Adjustments to Canadian Exploration Expenditures (CEE) and Canadian Development Expenditures (CDE) Previously Renounced
- T101C Part XII.6 Tax Return
- T101D Summary of asistance
- T101/RL-11 Statement of ressources expenses In-House Summary
- T101/RL-11 Data Entry
- RL-11 - Flow-through shares
- RL-11.S Renunciation of Expenses or Allocation of Assistance by a Corporation
- CO-726.4.17.15 - Summary of the renunciation of Certain Issue Expenses with respect to Québec ressources
CPT forms
- CPT1 - Request for a ruling as to status of a worker under the CPP or EI Act
- CPT100 - Appeal of a ruling under the CPP or EI Act
GST Forms
- GST 20 - Election for GST/HST reporting period
- GST 44 - Election concerning the acquisition of a business
- GST 70 - Election or revocation of an election, to change GST/HST fiscal Year
- GST 71 - Notification of accounting periods
- GST 74 - Election and revocation of an election to use the Quick method of Accounting
- GST370 - Employee and partner GST/HST rebate application
- GST 469 - Direct deposit request
RC forms
- RC1 - Request for a Business number
- RC1A - Business Number (BN) - GST/HST Account Information
- RC1B - Business Number (BN) - Payroll account information
- RC1C- Business Number (BN) - Import/Export account information
- RC 145 - Request to close Business number (BN) program accounts
T1-OVP forms
- T1-OVP - Individual tax return for RRSP excess contributions
- T1-OVP Schedule - Calculating RRSP excess contributions
TD forms
T137 to T1261 forms
- T137 - Request for destruction of records
- T400A - Objection - Income Tax Act
- T652 - Notice of revocation of waiver
- T626 - Overseas Employment Tax Credit
- T1223 - Clergy residence deduction
- T1261 - Application for a CRA (ITN) for non-residents
T2000 to T3012 forms
- T2033 - Direct transfer under subsection 146.3(14.1) or paragraph 146(16)(a) or 146.3(2)(e)
- T2057 - Election on disposition of property by a taxpayer to a taxable Canadian corporation
- T2058 - Election on disposition of property by a partnership to a taxable Canadian corporation
- T2062 - Non-resident taxable canadian property
- T2062A - Request by a NR of Canada for a certificate of compliance related to the disposition of certain goods
- T2062A/SCH1 - Disposition of Canadian resource property by Non-residents
- T2069 - Election in respect of amounts not deductible as reserves for the year of death
- T2200 - Declaration of conditions of employment
- T2201 - Disability tax credit certificate
- T2202 - Education and texbook amounts certificate
- T3012A - Tax deducted waiver on the refund of your unused RRSP contributions
Other federal forms
- NR6 - Rent from non-resident
- PD24 - Application for a refund of overdeducted CPP and EI Premiums
- TX-19 - Asking for a clearance certificate
Sales tax forms
- FPZ-34.CD - Detailed GST/HST calculation
- FPZ-34 - GST/HST return
- FP-500 - Detailed calculations
- FPZ-500 - GST/HST - QST return
- FPZ-2034.CD - Detailed calculations
- FPZ-500.AR- GST/HST - QST return
- FPZ-58 - GST/HST instalments
- FPZ-558.C - Calculation of instalments - GST/HST and QST
- FPZ-558- GST/HST and QST instalments
- FP-611 - Request for cancellation or variation of registration
- FP-620 - Election respecting the GST/HST and QST reporting period
- FP-670 - Election or revocation of an election respecting a GST/HST abd QST fiscal year
- VD358 - Quebec sales tax rebate for employees and partners
Other Quebec forms
- MR-14.A - Notice before distribution of the property of a Succession
- MR-14.B - Notice before distribution of property
- MR-69.MD-V - Power of Attorney for Advance Payments Tax Credit for Home-Support Services for Seniors
- TP-64.3 - General employment conditions
- TP-76 - Residence deduction for a member of the clergy or a religious order
- TP518 - Transfer of property by a taxpayer to a taxable Canadian corporation
- TP-1015.3-V - Source deduction return
- TP-1015.3 - Work chart
- TP-1097 - Notice of Disposition or Proposed Disposition of Taxable Québec Property, by an Individual or Corporation Not Resident in Canada
- TPZ-1029.MD.5-V - Information Return
- TPZ-1029.MD.5.C-V - Cost of Eligible Services Included in Condominium Fees
- TPZ-1029.MD.A-V - Certification of Dependent Senior Status
- TPZ-1029.MD.7-V - Application for Advance Payments Based on Rent and Services Included in Rent
- TPZ-1029.MD.8-V - Application for Advance Payments for Services Included in Condominium Fees
- TPZ-1029.MD.9-V - Application for Advance Payments for Occasional Services