Troubleshooting notes and FAQs
Troubleshooting notes
Error preparing federal slips for electronic transmission (only when working in French)
(Fixed in v9.2)
Relevé 24 - Internet Filing Numbers incorrectly the same for all recipients
(Fixed in v8.1)
Possible issues after importing Relevé 31 recipients using the Recipient Manager into another Relevé 31 file
(Fixed in v8.1)
Recipients listed twice in the Apartment Manager
(Fixed in v8.1)
The Forms Printing Manager screen turns gray after making changes
(Fixed in v6.3)
Québec RL-1 Summary - Employer QPIP premiums (line 8)
(Fixed in v4.1)
Contributions to the CPP/QPP (box 16/17) when the CPP/QPP pensionable earnings (box 26) are less than $3,500
(Fixed in v4.1)
Carry forward of information pertaining to T4PS/RL-25 in 2012
February 8, 2018