What's new
What's new for version 12.3
What's new for version 12.1
What's new for version 12.0
What's new for version 11.3
What's new for version 11.1
What's new for version 11.0
What's new for version 10.3
What's new for version 10.1
What's new for version 10.0
What's new for version 9.3
What's new for version 9.2
What's new for version 9.1
What's new for version 9.0
What's new for version 8.3
What's new for version 8.1
What's new for version 8.0
What's new for version 7.3
What's new for version 7.1
What's new for version 7.0
What's new for version 6.3
What's new for version 6.1
What's new for version 6.0
What's new for version 5.3
What's new for version 5.1
What's new for version 5.0
What's new for version 4.3
What's new for version 4.1
What's new for version 4.01
What's new for version 4.0
What's new for version 3.1
What's new for version 3.0
What's new for version 2.0
What's new for version 1.1
Troubleshooting notes and FAQs
Troubleshooting notes
Relevé 24 - Internet Filing Numbers incorrectly the same for all recipients
Possible issues after importing Relevé 31 recipients using the Recipient Manager into another Relevé 31 file
Recipients listed twice in the Apartment Manager
The Forms Printing Manager screen turns gray after making changes
Québec RL-1 Summary - Employer QPIP premiums (line 8)
Contributions to the CPP/QPP (box 16/17) when the CPP/QPP pensionable earnings (box 26) are less than $3,500
Carry forward of information pertaining to T4PS/RL-25 in 2012
DT FormMax Application
System requirements
DT FormMax requirements
End of support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2
Installation and Setup
Installing the DT FormMax licence key
Setting Preferences
DT FormMax Features
Logging in
Adding a Form
Apartment manager
Choice of year
Create a new file
Forms filter
Forms Navigator
Forms Printing Manager
Import RL-31 data
Internet Filing Option
Recipient Manager
Licence Agreement
Form Help Directory
2021 form index
2020 form index
2019 form index
2018 form index
2017 form index
2016 form index
2015 form index
2014 form index
2013 form index
2012 form index
2011 form index
Software Support
QuickStart Tutorial
Government Links
Government Links