Reconciliation of business income - T1139
If you are self-employed, you should use form T1139 only if you
have made one of the following choices:
a) If your first fiscal period ending during the current tax
year does not end on December 31st, or
b) If you completed this form last year.
For more information and instructions on completing this form,
consult the CRA's guide RC4015, "Reconciliation of
Business Income for Tax Purposes".
You can visit the following link:
If you want to enter the additional income until December 31st
of the taxation year, please follow these steps:
1. On the page "T2125 - Business
identification" of the "Left side menu on the
Interview tab", enter the start date and end date of the fiscal
year for your business;
2. On the ''Self-employment income'', of
the ''Left side menu on the Interview
tab'' choose ''Adjustment for
non-December 31 year-end'' sub-section, and on the
page that appears, enter the relevant information.
Otherwise, the program will perform the calculations for you on
form T1139, including additional income for
the period from the end of financial year to December 31st.
The program will generate federal
form T1139 and, for Quebec residents,
the Quebec form TP-80.1.
ID: 20191002162734NIXX.xml
Webpage: KPA320-20191002162734NI.htm