Disability amount transferred from a dependant -
Line 31800
You may be able to claim all or part of your dependant's
disability amount if he or she was a resident in Canada at any time
in the tax year and was depending on you for all or some of
the necessities of life (food, shelter, or clothing) on a
regular and consistent basis.
This dependant can be you or your spouse's or common-law
partner's parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister,
aunt, uncle, niece or nephew.
For more information, please consult the following CRA link:
To claim this credit, please follow the steps below:
The dependant must be added to your tax file:
1. In the file of the dependant, on the "Left side menu on
the Interview tab", select the "Medical and
2. On the screen to the right, click on
the plus "+" sign icon to the right of the
line "Infirmity and disability amount for the dependant" and
enter the required information.
3. Go back to the "Medical and disability" and on the
screen to the right, click on the plus "+"
sign icon to the right of the line "Canada caregiver amount to
claim for this dependant (line 30450) / Quebec Schedule H -
Eligibility and dates of the qualifying period for this dependant
(Quebec line 462) "
4. If the dependant does not reside with you, on the page titled
"Caregiver amount", on the line "Who should claim the
natural caregiver amount for this dependant?",
select 'Do not claim'' in the drop-down menu to
the right. If you are a resident of Quebec, complete the same
section for Quebec at the bottom of the page.
The program will claim the amount (if required) for the disabled
person on line 31600 of federal tax return of the dependant, and
the unused amount will be reported on line
31800 of your federal tax return.
ID: 20200930124328NA.xml
Webpage: KPA340-20200930124328NA.htm