Ontario - Tuition and education amounts
Your unused provincial tuition and education amounts may be
carried forward to a future year.
To enter your tuition fees, please follow these steps:
1. On the left-side menu of the "
Interview tab", select the option "
Interview setup". Place a check mark next to "
Tuition, education, textbooks, student loans" and click
Nextat the bottom off the page.
2. Return to the left side menu of the page and select
"Tuition, education, student loans"
3. On the page that appears on the right, select "
T2202 Tuition and enrollment certificate* (TL11A and TL11C)
(line 32300)".
4. On the page entitled "
Tuition, education and textbook amounts (T2202, TL11A,
TL11C)go to the line "
Eligible Tuition Fees Paid to Canadian educational institutions
for TAX_YEAR_CURRENT~X, (Enter description in first field, amount
in the $ field)".
5. Enter the number of months shown on your
TL11A/TL11Cslip issued by the educational institution.
Please select the appropriate column, i.e. part-time or full time
that corresponds to your slip.
6. Complete the remainder of the page as it relates to your
7. Federal
Schedule 11
- Tuitionand provincial form
ON(S11) - Tuition, educationwill be generated in the tax
return. Your tuition fees will appear on
Federal line 32300of your tax return
ormay be carried forward to be used in a future year. The
provincial portion will appear in form
ON428 line 58560
orwill be carried forward to be used in a future year.
8. You may also select to transfer your current year unused
tuition fees to your spouse, common law partner or to a parent
whose tax return is not processed with your own.
For more information refer to topic
P105 - Students and income tax
ID: 20171121145714DEX.xml
Webpage: KPA380-20171121145714DE.htm