Sharing tax credits between spouses - Schedule B -
Part B - Quebec
The program automatically optimizes the age amount and/or the
amount for retirement income. However, if you are not satisfied
with this optimization, you may correct the amount yourself. To do
so, please follow the procedure below:
1- On the ''Left side menu of the Interview
tab'' of the file of the person for whom you
wish to make the correction, select "Quebec
2- On the screen to your right, choose the
line ''Sharing tax credits between spouses on Quebec
Schedule B, C, J and P".
3- On the new page generated, for the line ''Quebec -
Schedule B - Person living alone /age /retirement
income'', select the option that corresponds to your
situation from the drop-down menu to the right. If you
chose the option "Claim portion", enter the amount you are
claiming in the field preceded by the sign "$''.
If despite sharing the tax credits there is a remaining
balance owing for one of the spouses, you may transfer part of
your refund to that spouse, if applicable.
To transfer, please follow these steps:
1- On the file of the person entitled to a refund, in the
"Left side menu on the Interview tab", select the "Refund
or balance owing, prior year data".
2- On the right-hand side of the page, select "Transfer your
Quebec refund to your spouse".
3- On the page that is generated, for the line
''Transfer refund to spouse'', select the option that
applies to you in the drop-down menu. Usually, the
option ''Transfer to spouse (optimal)'' is
The amount that you transferred to your spouse will be reported
on line 476 of your Quebec return and will also appear on line 477
of your spouse's Quebec return.
ID: 20210927161210DE.xml
Webpage: KPA365-20210927161210DE.htm