T4A(P) slip - Where to enter information Home

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Customer Service
110 - Promotions / Pricing
Payment - Free returns
Payment - Free returns for low income individuals
Payment - Free returns for low income individuals (box vs web)
Payment - Methods accepted 2015+
Promotion - Canadian Federation of Students (CFS)
Service - Invoice is not in the name of the credit cardholder.
Service - UFile ONLINE is more expensive than UFile for WINDOWS
UFile asks me to pay again. Why?
UFile ONLINE availability
120 - User ID / Password
Account - Change email address (2015+)
Account - Change password (2010-2014)
Account - Change user name (2010-2014)
Account - Enable the password reset option (2015+)
Account - Getting Started (2010 +)
Account - How to change the security question (2015+)
Account - How to change the answer to the security question (2010-2014)
Account - How to change your mailing address or the phone number (2010-2014)
Account - How to change your mailing address or the phone number (2015+)
Account - How to change your password (2015+)
Account - Password Manager - LastPass
Account - Recently completed the tax return for a prior tax year?
Account - Security question and answer (how to change) 2015
I cannot delete the account, can UFile do it for me?
Login - Forgot the answer to the security question
Login - Not able to Sign in
Login - Password recovery (2010+)
Sign in using the same user name even if the e-mail has changed
To determine if your account was rolled over
130 - Other
Account - Accidently deleted information from the account
Account - "Account notification" email
Account - Deleting (2010 and subsequent years)
Account - Email address (how to change) (2010-2014)
Account - Extract/merge a file
Account - New account (no carryforward information)
Account - No activity (timeout)
Account - Security question and answer (how to change) 2010-2014
Can I prepare any type of returns with UFile?
Carry forward information of a member who leaves the family
Fraudulent emails
Product - Corporate (T2), trusts (T3) and bankruptcy returns
Product - Differences between UFile ONLINE and UFile for WINDOWS
Service - Access to UFile ONLINE from another computer
Service - Data security
Service - Newsletter (Unsubscribing)
Service - No telephone support
Tax return - Dependant's address
Tax return - Five-year comparison
Tax return - Sending slips and receipts
Tax return - Tax Scenarios with UFile ONLINE
NETFILE - First return- Instructions (CRA) (2015+)
NETFILE - First return- Instructions (Revenu Québec) (2015+)
Error message "the underlying connection was closed: An unexpected error occurred on a send"
NETFILE - CRA first-time filer UFile ONLINE 2013-2014
NETFILE - "The T4 box 78 amount must be entered within a T4 footnote and a T2121 fishing."
How do I find out the status of my current year tax return sent to the CRA?
NETFILE - "A credit associated with code 8 or 15 is being claimed on line 462."
NETFILE - "A deduction associated with code 7, 11, 15, 18 or 20 is being claimed on line 297"
NETFILE - Automatic transmission of family members' returns?
NETFILE - Availability
NETFILE - Awaiting certification
NETFILE - Blocked account (CRA)
NETFILE - "Business income is being reported without specifying the main product or service."
NETFILE - Canadian citizenship (for dependants)
NETFILE - Did I file?
NETFILE - Did not file, but paid
NETFILE - Direct deposit and refund status
NETFILE -Error 2130
NETFILE - Error message: authentication failed
NETFILE - Explanations regarding the .TAX file (CRA)
NETFILE - Filing deadlines - CRA
NETFILE - Filing deadlines - Revenu Québec
NETFILE - Have you filed your tax returns?
NETFILE - How long does it take to get my refund?
NETFILE - Instructions (CRA) (UFile ONLINE) -2014
NETFILE - Instructions (CRA) (2015+)
NETFILE - How to find the confirmation number sent by Revenu Quebec?
NETFILE - Instructions (Revenu Quebec)
NETFILE - "Line 44 of Schedule D must be completed." - 2014
NETFILE - Nova Scotia research and development tax credit recapture
NETFILE - Rental property address incomplete
NETFILE - Restrictions
NETFILE - Restrictions (CRA) - More than six (6) sets of financial statements
NETFILE - Restrictions Revenu Québec
NETFILE - Supporting documents
NETFILE - "The amount being claimed on line 6804 (T1032) is greater than or equal to line 6802."
NETFILE - "The deduction for Canadian Forces personnel and police is greater than the corresponding income."
NETFILE - "The tax return you are filing is an amended return."
NETFILE - "The total number of months entered in your T4A(P) slips (Box 21, Box 23) is greater than 12."
NETFILE - Transmission error 2252
NETFILE - Verify the status of your tax return
NETFILE - "You are reporting business income from multiple jurisdictions"
NETFILE - "You are claiming retroactive payments (TP-766.2)."
NETFILE - "You are reporting income from an international organization."
NETFILE - "You elected to pay underdeducted CPP contributions without entering multiple T4 slips"
NETFILE - "You have an amount of lump-sum pension accrued to December 1971."
220 - Printing
Language - Tax return printing in French
Printing - Find a printer manufacturer's website
Printing - Instructions (Web) - 2012 and prior tax years
Printing - Instructions (Web) (2013-2014)
Printing - Mailing your tax return (2012 and prior tax years)
Printing - Multiple pages per sheet
Printing - Printing your tax return (2013-2014)
Printing- Printing your tax return (2015+)
Printing - Saving file to disk (2012 and prior tax years)
Printing - Saving file to disk (2013 -2014)
Printing - Submiting your tax return by mail to the CRA (2012 and prior years)
Printing - Submiting your tax return by mail to the CRA (2013 -2014)
Printing - Update the driver of the printer
Printing - TPF-1.X - Keying Summary
Printing - T1 General - Condensed return
Where can I mail my tax return?
240 - Other
Blanks vs Zeroes
Browser - Enable cookies
Browser - Internet Explorer version
Browser - Mac OS X (which browser works best)
Browser - Popup Stopper
Browser - Security settings too high
Carry Forward - UFile for Windows
Change the date settings - MAC
Change the date settings - Windows
Change the size of the text on your screen to default scale - Windows 7
Change the size of the text on your screen to default scale - Windows Vista
Error - Quebec identification number / PST number - invalid format
Error - SIN is not valid
Interview section - Searching
Left side menu - Deleting a form (2010 and subsequent years)
Mac and Linux
Mac - How do I find my operating system version on a Mac?
QuikClik Navigator - Deleting a form ( 2014 and prior years)
Restoring a file after saving new data
Saving the .PDF file - Windows Vista 7, 8, 10 security
Service - Auto-fill my return (CRA)
Service - Show hidden files (Windows Vista / 7 / 8 / 10)
Tablets - Mobile operating systems
UFile ONLINE - Data storage
310 - Other
Addition of a new Vehicle Category - 56
Amounts of repayments made
Averaging of a retroactive payment - Quebec
Balance due - Quebec resident
Balance owing - CRA
Bankrupcy return
Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB)
Canada workers benefit
Canada workers benefit
Canada Recovery Benefit
Canada recovery caregiving benefit
Canada recovery sickness benefit (CRSB)
Carrying charges and interest expenses
Carry Forward Information
Changes to CPP rules
Changes in the tax on split income
Clergy residence deduction
CNESST benefits
CCITP - Using a password
CPP - Retire who returned to work - CPT30 Federal
Creating tax file based on the year end
Deceased family head - Current year
Deceased spouse - Family head widowed
Designation of a property as a Principal residence
Deduction for employees of prescribed international organizations
Direct deposit
Electric zero emission vehicle - Class 54
Employment expenses - Two vehicles - Class 10
Employment expenses - Two vehicles - Class 10.1
Individual who died after the tax year
Other taxable income
Other employment income
Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
Group term life insurance policies
Filing a return for the deceased family head - Deceased in the year
GST/HST tax returns
GST or QST rebate - Annual professional dues
GST registration number format
Home accessibility tax credit - HATC - Federal Schedule 12
Home Buyers' Amount - Federal
Home Buyers' Plan (HBP)
How to request an adjustment (Reassessment) to a tax return
How to register to ''My Account'' - CRA
Interview setup
Income tax paid by instalments
Income tax paid by instalments
Mailing address change
Management fee discount - Tax treatment
Mandatory professional liability insurance
Moving expenses
Navigation with UFile 2020
New type of vehicle - Category of depreciable property
Net researche grants
Non-purchase of Replacements shares in a Labour-sponsored fund
Non-purchase of replacement shares in a labour-sponsored fund
Non-resident of Canada (No employment or business income)
Non-resident spouse
Northern residents - Travel expenses - T2222
Northern residents - Travel expenses - T2222
Northern residents - Travel expenses -T2222
Northern resident's deduction
Northern resident's deduction
Notice of Assessment after filing your tax return
Other taxable income
Post-death decline in the value of a RRIF an unmetered RRSP
Pro bono tax return
Pro bono tax return
Professional and union dues not on T4
Provincial or territorial COVID-19 financial assistance payments
Qualifying Retroactive Lum Sum Payments - Federal
RC381 - Inter-Provincial calculation for CPP and QPP Contributions and Overpayments
RESP withdrawals - Box 040 T4A slip
Registered pension plan - Past contributions
Refunds - CRA
Repaid amoumts
Repayments of CPP/QPP benefits
Repayments of CPP/QPP benefits
Repayment of wage loss replacement benefits
Repayment of wages to your employer
Resident from another province working in Quebec
Resident of Quebec working outside the province - Professional fees
Resume making CPP contributions - Federal
Revenu Quebec Tax Data Download
Revenu Québec - Notice of Assessment - Delivery and access options
Several T4 slips and only one RL-1
Spouses deceased in the same tax year
Spouse - Newcomers to Canada - Immigrants
Status Indian - Old Age Security Benefits
Status Indian - Rental income
Status Indian - Interest and investment income
Status Indian - Self-employment income
Switching the family head designation from one spouse to another
Teacher and Early Childhood Educator School Supply Tax Credit
Tax credit for Investment
Tax return - Tax scenarios with UFile for Windows
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Deceased spouse - Family head widowed
TFSA - Tax-Free Savings Account
Tips - Gratuities
Transfer the data from a dependant to a new tax return where he (SHE) is the family head or the spouse
T936 - CNIL (cumulative net investment loss) balance
T1013 - Authorizing or cancelling a representative
UFile ONLINE - Transmitting a copy of your tax file
UFile for Windows - Transmitting a copy of your tax file
User electronic filing - EFILE - Change of Name
Undeducted Labour-sponsored funds shares - Federal
Voluntary Disclosures Program
What to do if you received several T4 slips and only onr RL-1 (Relevé 1) slip from the same employer ?
What to do when someone has died
Work-related accidents outside Quebec
GST or QST rebate - Annual professional dues
Repayment of wages to your employer
Repayment of wage loss replacement benefits
Carryovers of AMT from prior years
320 - Business and Rental
Accelerated investment incentive property (AIIP)
Adding depreciable property
Are UFile fees deductible?
Are UFile fees deductible?
Business CCA half-year rule
Business CECA
Capital expenses on rental property income
CCA limitation to be claimed
Class 13 - Leasehold interest
Classes of depreciable property
CPP - Self-employed - Stop CPP contributions
Current year capital loss carryback
Employed and self-employed - Stop paying CPP contributions
Expenses incurred with two cars in the same category
Error - Fiscal period of the business 365 days
Home office expenses
Motor vehicles expenses - Purchased motor vehicle
Motor vehicle expenses - Purchased motor vehicle
NAICS code for the business
Professional income - T2125P
Quebec Enterprise Number - NEQ
Reconciliation of business income - T1139
Rental income
Rental income - Claim for percentage of expenses
Recapture of capital cost allowance and terminal loss
Rental income - Disposition of real estate
Rental Income - Expenditure relating to motor vehicles
Rental income - Multiple owners
 Rental income - New acquisition of depreciable property
Rental income - Personal use or others
Rental income - Separation in the year
Sale of a sole proprietorship - Goodwill
Self-employment - Change of vehicle - Class 10
Self-employment - Expenses for leased motor vehicle
Self-employment income - Form T2125
Self-employment income - Form T2125
Self-employment income - Quick method
Self-employment income - Short term car rental - Quebec
Self-employment - Insurance premiums on Self-employment - Schedule 13
Self-employment - Partner
Self-employment - Process of disposition for a vehicle without replacement
Self-employment - T2125 - Change of vehicle - Class 10.1
Status Indian - Rental income
T4A slip - Box 020 - Commission income - Self-employed
T4A slip - Box 048 - Fees for services - Business income
T2203 - Multiple jurisdictions
T1204 - Government service contract payments
T5018 slip - Statement of Contract Payments
Vehicle expenses for business purposes
Vehicle expenses for business purposes
Vehicle type - Depreciable asset class
Warning: Specify the main product or service
Reconciliation of business income - T1139
Home office expenses
330 - Capital Gains and Losses
Applying net capital loss from previous years
Business Investment loss
Capital gains deduction - Line 25400
CNIL balance
CNIL balance
Designation of a property as a principal residence
Digital currency
Flow-Through Shares
How to enter capital gains (or losses) in the taxation year
Net capital losses of other years - Federal line 25300
Net capital loss (no negative amount allowed on line 12700)
Reserves on dispositions of capital property
Reserve on disposition - T2017
Reporting the sale of your principal residence
Sale of a secondary dwelling
Schedule 3 line 13200
335 - Charitable Donations/Political contributions
Alberta - Political contributions
British Columbia - Political contributions
Charitable donations
Charitable donations - Ecological gifts
Charitable donations - How to limit or carried forward donations
Charitable donations - Modify optimization
Charitable donations - Private school
Charitable donations - T4 slip - Box 46
Charitable donations / Federal political contributions - How to enter
Community food program donation tax credit for farmers - Ontario
Federal political contribution tax credit
Food bank tax credit for farmers - line 83 - Nova Scotia
Manitoba - Political contribution tax credit
Prince Edward Island - Political contribution
340 - Spouse and Dependants
Address different than spouse's (family head)
Add or remove a family member
Age amount
Alimony or support payments made
Alimony or support payments received
Amount for an eligible dependent
Care Expenses - Child over 16 years - Disabled
Change in marital status
Canada caregiver amount for infirm children under 18 years of age - Line 30500
Canadian children's allowance
Canadian resident - Spouse immigrates to Canada
Carrying forward the tax file of a member who leaves the family
Child care allowance - Quebec
Childcare expenses
Childcare expenses - Babysitter
Childcare expenses - Camp
Childcare expenses - Child in foster care
Child care - Special cases
Children in shared custody - Canada Child Benefit - CCB
Change in marital status
Children in shared custody between parents
Delete a spouse's or a dependant's file
Deleting dependants from a file
Disability amount transferred from a dependant - Line 31800
Delete a spouse's or a dependant's file
How to add a dependant
How to enter adoption expenses - Quebec
How to enter adoption expenses - Quebec
How to enter adoption expenses - except Quebec
How to enter adoption expenses - except Quebec
Line 370 - Federal return - Children's arts amount
Married dependants living in your home
Net income only
Quebec - Day camp fee - Child care - Activity Tax Credit for Children
Quebec - Day camp fee - Child care - Activity Tax Credit for Children
Increase the size of the characters of the software screen
Schedule 2 - Federal Amounts Transferred from your Spouse
Schedule 5 - Dependants
Sharing childcare expenses - Quebec resident
Separation in the year - How to enter information
Spousal or common-law partner amount
Spouse - Entering the income
The taxpayer married a non-resident in the current tax year
Transfer the data from a spouse to a new tax return where he (she) is the family head
You were "Separated" and now you are "Divorced"
Your spouse filed his return separately
Warning NETFILE/EFILE - Adjusted taxable income is NIL - Schedule 2
Warning NETFILE/EFILE - Net taxable income is NIL - Schedule 5
350 - Employment Expenses
Claim for meals and lodging expenses for employees in a transport business
Declaration of conditions of employment form - T2200 - TP-64.3 (Quebec)
Employment expenses - Apprentice mechanic
Employment Expenses - Artist
Employment expenses - Artist
Employment expenses - Commission employee
Employment expenses - Employee who earns commissions
Employment expenses - Expenses for purchased motor vehicle
Employee expenses - Expenses for purchased motor vehicle
Employment expenses - Forestry employees
Employment expenses - Leased motor vehicle expenses
Employment expenses - Salaried employees
Employment expenses - Two vehicles - Class 10
Employment expenses - Two vehicles - Class 10.1
GST/HST or QST rebate on employment or partnership expenses
Home Office expenses - Related to COVID - Employment expenses (including T777S)
Legal fees - For purposes other than the recovery of a salary or wages
Legal fees - Increase or recovery of support payment - Line 22100
Legal fees to recover wages
Tradespersons - tools expenses
355 - Tuition
Carryforward of tuition fees
Carryforward tuition fees from previous years
Claiming the Quebec student loan credit for spousal transfer of the non-refundable tax credit
Claiming the Quebec tuition tax credit for the transfer of the non-refundable tax credit to the spouse
How to enter a Bursary/ Scholarship
Education - Part-time student - Major functional deficiency
Interest paid on a student loan
Options for unused tuition fees
Part-time program scholarships
Part-time program scholarships
Post-doctoral fellowships - T4A - Box 105
Received scholarship after completing my courses
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Health Establishment
TL11A - Tuition fees outside Canada
TL11C - Student attending U.S. institution
Tuition fees - Federal
Tuition Fees - Quebec
Tuition Fees - Transfer of a student whose return is processed with ours
Tuition fees - Transfer from a child whose return is not processed with yours
T2202 - Tuition for courses at a Canadian flying school
Unused tuition or examination fees
Warnings - Solidarity tax credit
360 - Foreign Income
Audit of the CRA - Foreign Income on Foreign Tax credit
Change on foreign exchange rate
Deemed resident
Foreign Income Verification Statement
Foreign pension income - General
Foreign pension income - General
Foreign pension income - U S
Foreign rental income
Factual resident
Foreign employment income - Canadian employer
Foreign income or foreign property
Immigrants (newcomers to Canada)
Income from foreign dividends
Newcomer (Immigrant) - Spouse non-resident
Non-resident spouse NetFile
NR4 - T4A (OAS) slip
T2209 - Federal Foreign Tax Credits
You have left Canada - Emigrant
365 - Quebec TP1 Tax Return, Relevés (RL)
Adjustment of investment expenses - Quebec
Advance payments of the tax credit for childcare expenses - Quebec
Amendment to the Solidarity Tax Credit for Quebec
Amendment to the Tax Credit for Caregivers - Québec line 462
Amount for person living alone - Quebec line 361
Benefit related to previous employment - Quebec
Box G-1 of RL-1 - Taxable benefit in kind
Box 211 of the Relevé 1 (RL-1) - Québec
Caregiver amount - Spouse - Line 462 - Quebec
Caregiver not living with a person 18 or over with an impairment
Childcare expenses - QPIP - T4E
CPP contribution for some Quebec residents
CPP contribution - Military or RCMP employee - Resident in Quebec
CSN - How to enter information from the RL-10 slip - Quebec
Day Camp Fee - Child care or Activity Tax Credit for Children - Quebec
Deduction for copyright - Quebec
Deduction for employment income earned on a vessel
Deduction for foreign experts
Deduction for foreign specialists
Deduction for retirement income transferred to your spouse - Quebec
Deduction for workers - Québec line 201
Different amount for Quebec and the Federal
Emergency services volunteers - Quebec
Entries on page 1 of the Quebec return
Eligible dividends or ordinary dividends (Quebec) (T5/RL-3, T3/RL-16)
First home - Quebec
FTQ - How to enter information from the RL-10 slip - Quebec
Federal line 12000 different from Quebec line 128
Foreign experts - Quebec
Foreign professors - Quebec
Foreign researchers - Quebec
Foreign researchers on a PhD stage- Quebec
Grant for seniors to offset a municipal tax increase - Quebec line 462
Health contribution - Quebec
Independent Living Tax Credit for Seniors - Line 462 - Quebec
Infertility - treatment for in vitro fertilization
Labour-sponsored funds - Credit for shares previously acquired -Quebec
Living alone - Involuntary separation - Quebec
Mailing address change
Preparing the Quebec RL-31 slips
Property tax refund for forest producers - Schedule E - Quebec
Quebec Prescription drug insurance - Modification during the year
Quebec prescription drug insurance plan
Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP)
Quebec Parental Insurance Plan (QPIP) - RL-1 slip - Box I
Quebec resident - Pension income (T4A/RL-2) - Taxable benefits (RL-1)
Quebec prescription drug insurance plan - Exceptions
Quebec tax return - lines 430-431: Credits transferable to the spouse
RAMQ - I moved to another province. How do I pay my drug insurance premium?
Repayment of a scholarship, bursary or similar financial assistance received - Quebec
Refund - Quebec resident (RQ)
Refundable Tax Credit for chlidren's activities - Quebec
RL-1 slip or T4 slip - Box B or Box 17 - Contribution to the QPP
RL-1 - Box K - Travel in a prescribed zone
RL-1 slip - Box J - Quebec
RL-1 slip - Box O
RL-1 slip - Box O, code CA
RL-1 slip - Box O, code CA
RL-1 slip - Box O, code CB - TFSA
RL-1 slip - Box O, code CC
RL-1 slip - Box O, code CC
RL-1 slip - Box O, code CD - Benefits paid to parents of murdered or missing children
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RA
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RA
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RB
RL-1 slip - Box O, Code RB - Received scholarship after completing my courses
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RC
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RD - Fees for services - Business income
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RG
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RH
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RJ with a T4 slip boxes 66 and/or 67
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RL - Amount of patronage dividends paid to a member of an eligible cooperative
RL-1 slip - Box O, Code RK
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RM - Commission income - Self-employed
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RM - Commission income - Self-employed
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RN
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RO - Benefits received by a shareholder
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RQ - Retirement Compensation Arrangement
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RS
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RT
RL-1 - Box O, code RU
RL-1 slip - Box O, code RV
RL-1 slip - Box O, Code RX
RL-1 slip -Taxable benefit (Quebec only)
RL-3 slip - T5 slip - Investment income
RL- 5 - Repayment of income replacement indemnities - Quebec
RL-6 slip - Quebec Parental Insurance Plan benefits
RL-16 slip - T3 slip
RL-22 slip - Multi-employer insurance plans
RL-26 slip - Capital régional et coopératif Desjardins shares
RL-27 slips - Box B, Subsidies
RL-29 slip- Remuneration of a family-type resource or an intermediate resource
RL-19 slip - Advanced payments
RL-27 slips - Box A, Government payments
Sharing tax credits between spouses - Quebec
Sharing tax credits between spouses - Schedule P - Quebec
Sharing tax credits between spouses - Child care expenses - Quebec
Sharing tax credits between spouses - Schedule B - Part B - Quebec
T4 slip - Box 56 /RL-1 PPIP insurable earnings (Quebec)
Tax credit for caregivers cohabiting with an eligible relative
Taking care of senior spouse
Tax credit for an owner - Quebec
Tax credits for donations and gifts - Schedule V - Quebec
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Health Establishment
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Private senior's residence
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Family head younger than spouse - Quebec
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Advanced payment received by spouse (RL-19)
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Spouses living in two places
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Apartment building
Tax credit for home-support - Living in a building housing - Sharing with roommates
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Sharing tax credits between spouses
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - No calculation (advanced payment same as tax credit)
Tax credit for home-support services for seniors - Involuntary separation
Tax credits for home = Support services for seniors - Services Excluded
Tax credit for taxi drivers - Quebec
TP- 776.1.ND-V - Recent graduates working in remote resource regions
Tax Credit for Career Extension - line 391
Transfer of Quebec tax refund to the spouse
Schedule A - Section B - Quebec
Schedule D - How to enter the information pertaining to the Quebec solidarity tax credit
Schedule D - corresponds to the Solidarity tax credit
Schedule D - Solidarity Tax Credit - Involuntary Separation
Tax credit for a top-level athlete (Quebec)
Tax credit for home-support services - At the age of 70
Tax credit for seniors' activity - Quebec line 462
Upgrading of Residential Waste Water Treatment Systems - Quebec line 462
Withdraw from a RRIF - Box B-2 from the RL-2 and/or Box 16 of the T4RIF
370 - Medical, Infirmity and Disability
Canada caregiver amount- Federal
Dependant with a disability
Dependant with a disability
Disability amount (for yourself)
Disability amount transferred from a dependant - Line 31800
Disability support deduction
Full-time care in a nursing home vs Disability amount
How to choose the person who claims medical expenses and the Sharing medical expenses
How to claim medical expenses - What expenses can you claim ?
Last date of medical expenses
Line 30425 - Canada caregiver amount for spouse or common-law partner
Medical Expenses - Allowable amount for other dependents
Medical expenses - Travel expenses - Quebec
Medical expenses - Attendant care services
Quebec prescription drug insurance plan - Turning 65 years old
Quebec resident - Sharing of medical expenses
Medical Expenses - Attendant Care Services - Special Case
Medical expenses - Travel expenses - Federal
Old Age Security pension - At the age of 65
Premiums paid into a private health insurance plan - Box 135 of the T4A slip and a RL-1 Box J
Premiums paid to a wage loss replacement plan
Premiums payable to the RAMQ
Service animals - Added to eligible medical expenses - Federal
Refundable tax credit for medical expenses - Quebec
Sharing of medical expenses
T2201 - Disability tax credit certificate - Federal
Volunteer Opportunity - Refundable Credit - Line 462 - Québec
T2201- Disability amount (for yourself)
375 - Pension Income Splitting
CRA website information about pension income splitting
Executive summary line 15000 vs. pension income splitting
Pension income splitting - Spouses filing separately
Tax paid on eligible pension income
380 - Provincial Tax and Credits
BC - Seniors' home renovation tax credit and persons with disabilities - BC(S12)
BC Sales Tax Credit
British Columbia - Residency information for tax administration agreements - Nisga'a Lisims Government
Education Amount - British Columbia
Emergency Services Volunteers - British Columbia
Emergency Services Volunteers - Manitoba
Farmers' food donation tax credit - British-Columbia
Food bank tax credit for farmers - line 73 - Nova Scotia
Food Bank tax credit for farmers - Ontario
Food bank tax credit for farmers - Quebec
Manitoba - Advance tuition fee income tax rebate
Manitoba - Children's arts amount - Line 58326
Manitoba - Day Camp Fees - Daycare Expenses - Children's Activity Expenses
Manitoba - Fitness amount - Line 58325
Manitoba - Separate residence of the spouse (medical reasons) - MB479
Manitoba - Sharing tax credits between spouses on Form MB479
Manitoba - Social assistance payments
Manitoba - Property tax credit Manitoba - Property tax credit
New Brunswick - Political contribution
New Brunswick seniors' home renovation tax credit - NB (S12)
Newfoundland and Labrador - Political contribution
Nova Scotia Innovation Equity Tax Credit
Nova Scotia - Lines 58040, 58080, 58120 AND 58160
Nova Scotia - Political contribution
Nova-Scotia - Tax credit for volunteers and ground search and recue
Nova Scotia Venture Capital Tax Credit
Northwest Territories - Political contribution
Nunavut - Political contribution
PEI - Volunteer firefighters' amount
On428 - Tax Credit for Low-Income Individuals and Families - Ontario
Ontario Child benefit (OCB)
Ontario Trillium Benefit
Ontario - ON-BEN - Involuntary separation
Ontario - ON Focused Flow-Through Share Resource Expenses - T1221
Ontario - Political contribution
Ontario Senior Homeowners' Property Tax Grant
Ontario Seniors' Public Transit Tax Credit
Northwest Territories - Residency information for tax Administration agreements - Thchq land
Ontario - Tuition and education amounts
Primary caregivers tax credit - Manitoba
Quebec - Political contribution tax credit
Rent for Student residence - Ontario
Saskatchewan - Labour-sponsored venture Tax Credit
Saskatchewan - Home buyers' amount - Line 58357
Saskatchewan - Active Families Benefit - Line 59800 SK479
Saskatchewan graduate tuition tax credit
Saskatchewan - Political contribution
T1014 - BC Training tax credit (Individuals)
T1231 - BC mining flow-through share tax credit
T1241 - Manitoba mineral exploration tax credit
Temporary deficit reduction levy - Newfoundland and Labrador
Tuition Tax Credit - New Brunswick
Volunteer firefighters' amount - Newfoundland and Labrador
Volunteer firefighter's tax credit - Nunavut
Yukon - Tuition, education, and textbook amount
Yukon - Children's arts amount - Line 58326
Yukon - Amount for fitness and recreation for children Line 63800
Yukon - Day Camp Fees - Daycare Expenses - Children's Activity Expenses
Yukon Territory - Residence Information for Tax Administration Agreements - Yukon First Nations
Yukon Business Carbon Price Rebate
Yukon Gouvernement Carbon Price Rebatte - Individuals
Yukon - Political contribution
Food bank tax credit for farmers - line 74 - Nova Scotia
Search and rescue volunteer - Newfoundland and Labrador
Ontario childcare access Tax Credit
Ontario - Ontario Trillium Benefit
385 - RRSP
Amateur Athlete Trust (AAT)
Contribution to a pooled registered pension plan - VRSP Quebec - VRSP Quebec
Contributions to your RRSP you can deduct for 2019
Excess contributions to a RRSP - T1-OVP
HBP amount repaid - Contributions made in a PRPP or VRSP
HBP - Repayment - Labour-sponsored plan
Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) - Repayment with unused RRSP contributions made in the first 60 days of the current tax year
Home Buyers' Plan (HBP) - Repayment with unused RRSP contributions
Labour-sponsored fund - Amount for replacement shares under HBP
Labour-sponsored funds - Undeducted Labour-sponsored funds shares - Federal
Past service contributions after 1989 - RPP
Premature withdrawal from a spousal RRSP
Retirement allowance transferred to an RRSP within the first 60 days of the year
RRSP calculator
PRPP or VRSP - Employer contribution
RRSP contributions
RRSP contributions
RRSP - Refund of excess contributions
RRSP unused contributions
RRSP transfers - Line 24640 - Schedule 7
To repay or not to repay your HBP
Transfer of an amount from the RRIF to the RRSP
Transferring directly from an RRSP to an RRSP or from a RRIF to a RRIF
T4RSP - Withdrawal from RRSP
T2205 - RRSP spousal transfers
Warning in the "Results" tab for RRSP - Line 20800 (federal)
Warning - Over contributions to RRSP
Warning - Over contributions to RRSP
390 - T4 and Other T-Slips
Age amount - Federal line 30100
Basic personal amount - Federal line 30000
Box 29 of the T4 slip
Climate Action Incentive (CAI)
Death of a RIFF Annuitant - Designated Benefit - T4RIF
Employment income earned on a reserve
Employment Insurance Maternity and Parental Benefits
How to initialize your resource expenditure pool
How to enter information from a T4RSP slip
Participation in an JOINT account on the slips T3 - T5 - T5008
Request for information about the T5013 and/or RL-15 slip
Resource pool
Splitting investment income
Security options deduction
Social assistance payments
Tax credit relating to a labour-sponsored fund - T5006
Taxable benefit - Federal and/or Quebec
T215 - Past Service Pension Adjustment (PSPA) Exempt from Certification
T3 slip - Box 42 - Adjustment of the cost base of a participation
T1135 - Foreign Income Verification Statement
T3 slip - Community organization income - Box 26 *
T3 slip - Trust income
T3 slip - Trust income - Two boxes 26 *
T4 slip - Box 24 - EI insurable earnings
T3 slip - Box 24 - Foreign business income
T3 slip - Box 25
T4 slip - Box 26 - CPP or QPP pensionable earnings
T4 slip - Box 28 - Exempt (CPP/QPP, EI, PPIP)
T4 slip - Box 29
T4 slip - Box 32 - Travel in a prescribed zone
T4 slip - Other information
T4 slip - Box 18 - EI premiums
T4 slip - Box 40 - Gifts and awards
T4 slip - Box 44 - Union dues
T4 slip - Box 52 - Pension adjustment
T4 slip - Box 55 - Employee's QPIP premiums
T4 slip - Box 56 - PPIP insurable earnings (QPIP)
T4 slip - Box 66 and/or Box 67
T4 slip - Box 74 or 75 - RPP past-service contributions
T4 slip - Box 77 - Worker's compensation benefits repaid to the employer
T4 slip - Box 78 - Fishers - Gross income
T4 - Box 81 - Placement/Employment agencies
T4 slip - Box 81 - Placement/Employment agencies (Quebec)
T4 slip - Box 82 - Taxi driver
T4 slip - Box 83 - Barbers or hairdressers
T4 slip - Box 85 - Employee-paid premiums for private health service plan
T4A slip - Box 028
T4E slip - Box 26
T5013 slip - Investment income splitting
T4A slip - Box 030
T4A slip - Box 032, RPP contributions (past service)
T4A slip - Box 040
T4A slip - Box 042
T4 Slip - Box 43 - Canadian forces personnel and police deduction
T4A slip - Box 104
T4A slip - Box 105
T4A Slip - Box 105 - Received scholarship after completing my courses
T4A slip - Box 106
T4A slip - Box 107
T4A slip - Box 109 - Periodic payments from an unregistered plan
T4A Slip - Box 109 - Periodic payments from an unregistered Plan
T4A slip - Box 117
T4A slip - Box 118 - Medical premium benefits
T4A slip - Box 119 - Group term life insurance policies
T4A Slip - Box 127 - Veteran's benefits
T4A slip - Box 130
T4A slip - Box 131
T4A slip - Box 132
T4A slip - Box 134, Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
T4A slip - Box 136 - Benefits paid to parents of murdered or missing children
T4A slip - Box 150
T4A slip - Box 152
T4A slip - Box 154
T4A slip - Box 156
T4A(OAS) slip - Old Age Security
T4A(P) slip - Box 15, CPP or QPP survivor benefits
T4A(P) slip - Box 18, CPP or QPP death benefit
T4A(P) slip - Where to enter information
T4RSP slip - Box 27, Home Buyers' Plan withdrawals
T5007 slip - Compensation benefits
T1212 - Statement of Deferred Security Options Benefits
T5008 - Statement of securities transactions
What to do if Box 56 of the T4 is blank (PPIP insurable earnings)
Where enter the minimum withdrawal from a RRIF income - T4RIF

T4A(P) slip - Where to enter information

You received benefits from the Canada Pension Plan or Quebec Pension Plan and you were issued a T4A(P) or RL-2.

To report the information displayed on your T4A(P) slip, please follow the steps below:

1- On the "Left side menu on the Interview tab", select "Interview setup".

2- On the screen on your right, go to the "Pension" group, check the box for "Pension income. Other income and split pension income (T4A, T4A(OAS), T4A(P), T4A-RCA, T4RSP, T4RIF, T1032)" and click "Next" at the bottom of the page.

3- Return to the "Left side menu on the Interview tab" and select "Pension income, T4A".

4- On the right-hand side of the screen, click on the plus sign "+" icon to the right of the line "T4A(P) Statement of Canada pension plan benefits". For Quebec resident, chose the line "T4A(P) - Statement of Quebec pension plan benefits (RL-2)", and enter the information on your slip in the corresponding fields. 

Box 20 "Taxable CPP or QPP benefits" includes the total of the benefits shown in boxes 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. It also includes any recovery of Canada Pension Plan overpayments or payments for arrears.

Please note that if you have an amount in boxes 14 or 16, you must specify the number of months for which you received the benefit.

The amount will be reported on line 11400 of your federal income tax return and, for Quebec residents, line 119 of your Quebec tax return. However, the amount in "Box 18 - Death benefit" will be reported on Quebec line 154 and Code 08 will be entered on line 153

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Webpage: KPA390-20191127115209DE.htm
