Service animals - Added to eligible medical
expenses - Federal
Eligible medical expenses have been expanded to include various
expenses for specially trained service animals to perform specific
duties for a patient with any of the following impairments.
. Blindness;
. Profound deafness;
. Severe autism;
. Severe diabetes;
. Severe epilepsy:
A severe and prolonged impairment that merely limits the use
of the patient's arms or legs.
New for federal, as of January 1. 2018, a
severe mental impairment, if the animal is specially trained to do
specific tasks (excluding the provision of emotional support).
In addition to the cost of the service animal, the care and
maintenance (including food and veterinarian care) are eligible
For more information, please see Guide RC4064 at the following
Please review the "Eligible Medical
Expenses" in the guide.
For Quebec residents, please consult
the IN-130 guide at the following link,
to find out which animal is accepted in Quebec.
To enter the medical expenses, please follow the procedure
1. On the ''Left-side menu of the Interview
tab", select "Medical, disability,
caregiver" and on the page, that appears to choose
"Medical expenses".
2. On the Medical Expenses page,
enter your description and cost incurred.
3. If you have other medical expenses to claim, go to the
section located to the right of the screen and click
the plus sign "+".
Note: Remember to claim your disability tax
ID: 20211013091343DE.xml
Webpage: KPA370-20211013091343DE.htm