Tax credit for taxi drivers - Quebec
You can claim a tax credit for taxi drivers if you meet the
following conditions:
- You were a resident of Quebec on December 31 of the taxation
- you held a taxi driver's permit on 09 October
- you are considered a driver authorized to carry out
remunerated passenger transportation by automobile by the Société
de l'assurance automobile du Québec since October 10, 2020;
- you are a driver authorised to carry out remunerated transport
of persons by car at any time during the year 2021.
You cannot benefit from this tax credit if you are entitled
to the taxi owner tax credit.
The maximum credit is $301.
Note that the tax credit for taxi drivers is abolished as of
If you hold a valid taxi permit and wish to claim this tax
credit, please follow the steps below:
1- On the left side menu of the "Interview"
tab, select "Quebec tax credits".
2- On the screen located to your right, scroll down to
"Quebec line 462" and click on the plus "+" icon to
the right of the line "TP-1029.9 - Tax credit for taxi drivers
(Only claim if you are not a taxi owner)".
3- On the page titled "Quebec tax credit for taxi drivers",
enter the taxi drivers permit number issued by the Société de
l'assurance automobile du Québec and the amount of employment
income earned as a taxi driver that you will find on lines 101 and
107 of your Quebec tax return.
The program will generate the form
TP-1029.9. You should sign and keep this form as
Revenu Québec could ask you for it.
The refundable credit will be reported on line 462 of the Quebec
return and code 03 and will be included on line 461
For more information, please click on the link below:
ID: 20210921135240CA.xml
Webpage: KPA365-20210921135240CA.htm