Yukon Gouvernement Carbon Price Rebatte -
Effective for the 2019 and subsequent taxation
years, residents of the Yukon may be eligible to receive
carbon pricing rebates from the Yukon government.
For individuals, the repayment will be made starting in July
2020. The payments will be issued each quarter to individuals and
their families.
They will have to indicate in their tax return if they reside
outside of Whitehorse.
To do so, under the heading "CRA Questions"
under "Yukon's carbon rebate for individuals" the
taxpayer will have to answer the question, "Did you reside
outside of Whitehorse on December 31, 2019 ?".
The taxpayer will receive the basic refund automatically based
on the information entered on their return.
Schedule YT(S14) will be generated by the
ID: 20191218105155DE.xml
Webpage: KPA380-20191218105155DE.htm