CPP contribution - Military or RCMP employee -
Resident in Quebec
If you are a military or a member of the RCMP and you resided in
Quebec on December 31 of the tax year. The T4
slip you received from your employer shows CPP
contributions in Box 16. Also, you received
a RL-1 with an amount in Box B-1,
please follow the procedure below.
1. On the left-side menu of the "Interview" tab, select
"T4 and employment income".
2. On the right-hand page, click
the plus sign "+" icon
to the right of the line "T4 and RL-1 (Relevé 1) income earned
in Quebec with CPP contributions".
3. On the page entitled "T4 - Statement of Remuneration
Paid (RL-1) with CPP contributions", enter the information on
your T4 and RL-1 slips.
4. On the "Province of Employment" line in Box 10, enter
"Quebec" as the province of employment.
On the "Review" tab, no message should appear, and you
can submit your tax returns via NetFile.
ID: 20210922162135CA.xml
Webpage: KPA365-20210922162135CA.htm